JINARA-I DON'T Feel Better

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Jack Gibson suffers mental bullying and physical assaults during his years
as a teenage 'street kid'. He meets the bully years later and exacts a measure
of revenge. It's time to reveal all to Diane Lewis.

Once Jack Gibson finished reciting the physical assaults and mental bullying he'd endured as a teen, leaving himself and Diane Lewis

speechless and near tears, he says "The guy was relentless Diane...every day: EVERY FUCKING DAY he pelted me with verbal rocks and ACTUAL ROCKS because I was homeless and he was a rich entitled prick: bigger, older, and stronger...who could get away with it because he was something and I was nothing. I saw him and I KNOW that I approached him... I know that much but after that everything went white...I 'came back to myself' when the cops handcuffed me and hauled me off to jail."

After wiping her eyes Diane says "I am so so sorry about what you went through and I believe every word that you said today. HOWEVER...that man may never walk again, Jack. He lost his right eye and there's some loss of mental cognizance. Make no mistake: I'm in no way supporting HIM: in my view, you're traumatized, Jack. Seeing the aggressor-YOUR BULLY- again so many years later triggered a series of conflicting responses in you: you haven't completely integrated your experiences and your autonomic nervous system-'the fight or flight impulse'-is still very much alive within you. I'd like you to try a technique I'll call EFT Tapping: Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It's also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. People who use this technique believe tapping on parts of the body can create a balance in your energy system and treat pain. According to its developer, Gary Craig, a disruption in energy is the cause of all negative
emotions and pain. It's still being researched, but EFT tapping has been used to treat people with anxiety and people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): DOCUMENTED. I'm happy to testify for you if it comes to that."

"Thank you. And I don't regret what I did. 100 times out of 100 I'd do it all exactly the same."




"Jack. I hesitate to ask this because you've not disclosed anything...you have exhibited certain behaviors that indicate...I'll just ask: were you were ever assaulted...sexually/ Or compelled to perform acts against your will during your time on the streets?"

"WHAT? Where did you...NO. HELL NO!." Agitated, he jams trembling fists into his pants pockets and quickly withdraws them and wrings his fingers in distress. "No", he repeats.

Softly, the therapist said, "Your shoulders and knees are LOCKED: your HIPS...your elbows are drawn in tight...you're in a full defensive posture for nothing to be wrong." Then she adds "Talk, don't talk...we can sit quietly for a while and 'just be'...that would be nice...I do that often...just sit quietly."

Jack's head snaps up."We could do that? Just sit...and I don't hafta talk-just sit?"

"Of course, we can. We'll just sit for a while. I'll make some tea first."

Gibson says "I feel a lot better. I...could you...maybe write something for Sullivan that says that I can have a half-hour quiet time per shift? That was an HOUR, right? I didn't believe that it would work...at first, I mean. I really feel that quiet time would help."

"Let's make it an hour. Excuse me for a second...DANA...could you come in, please? Thanks." She dictates the letter Gibson requested and asks that it be ready before the Lieutenant departs. "About the nightmares: the Prazosin© is doing its job?"

"The frequency is down, and they aren't as vivid. I'm sleeping a lot better. 2mg instead of 1mg has made a big difference: the last time I saw someone..a few years ago-they pushed a holistic approach, minimum medication...I knew something wasn't right, I just didn't challenge them. They advised me that they have the degree in psychiatry, not me."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through, Jack. My goal is for every client to leave their session feeling both SEEN and HEARD."

"I don't know about anyone else, but I do. I feel it even when you say hello. Thank you, Diane."

"You are so welcome, Jack."


*EFT tapping sends a calming signal to the fight or flight center of the brain so that you can actually calm your autonomic nervous system and restore calm to your mind and body*


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