Surrera-This Has To Stop!

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We have wiped 5x2 as completely from our minds as possible so even though the divorce DID go thru 'Surrera' is back together and going strong...Andy has to put first BECKETT (yucky!) then JACK GIBSON as each sought to exploit the divorce to their own ends.

cross-posted to under  'I Don't Want To Say Goodbye Ch.3

TW for language and mild racial slur


co-author: patty_parker60


He won't understand-or possibly doesn't want to or just refuses to...and Andy's just about had it with him...worse, so is ROBERT. It isn't her fault that Sean Beckett continues to buzz around her like a sancudo: a mosquito and at certain times she sees reproach in his eyes. That isn't enough, though; Jack Gibson saw an opportunity (or imagined one when she filed for divorce to 'slide back into her bedsheets) and her filing of a motion to stay the proceedings hasn't done

a thing to dampen his resolve. "Hey, Beckett!" She ducks her head into the space between his open door and doorjamb. "I need a word, please!"

"Oooo...I like an authoritative chick!" he grins lasciviously. Where to, 'Ma'am'?"


She marches outside ahead of him and rounds on the creep as soon as he follows her out. "This is your last warning, Beckett, she seethed. "YOUR LAST-I don't wanna hear one more invitation for 'drinks' or to 'hang out'; I'm not attracted to you and I'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever E.V.E.R fuck you under any circumstance; you need to understand that concept and
justify it to yourself however you need to but if you keep harassing and stalking me you will be sorry."

Stepping closer the red-faced prick snarled "You know what? You're hot but you're also a conceited mouthy bitch"-

"PLEASE; touch me-grab me...take a swing and your new boss ROBERT: who CAN GET ANYTIME HE WANTS-can cut you an ass the length and width of the Lincoln Tunnel you pudgy, bloated liquor-y prick. OHHH, right...I forgot: you're *CULO* of're SCARED!" And laughed so hard she also peed herself. Her nemesis could only clench his fists, get redder in the face and 'spit nails'. "Is that it?" he snarled before turning and stomping off.

"Oh, yeah!" she called. "Get off of Bishop's back and stay off of it...or 🎵Ro-bert!🎵!!"

"Goddamn stuck up spic BITCH!" The pudgy, bloated liquor-y prick muttered angrily under his breath, as he IS afraid of Sullivan...


Later she's approached (yet again!) by fellow Lieutenant Jack Gibson as she readies the Captain's office for occupancy (not long after her 'chat' with Beckett Robert calls to inform her that Chief Ripley has approved her appointment to the position she's always wanted as the incumbent will be gone by the end of the week), so when Jack walks in she can't help the exasperated sigh that escapes her. "Jack"-

"Why though?" he whines. "You're divorcing the guy-you have your own place and you started dating again so...WHY?"

"That was only to get Robert's attention, okay? It was always heading this way: I've tried to tell you that one hundred times and either you won't understand, don't want to understand, or just SANCUDO: a fucking mosquito and I'm getting blamed for it. Not that it's you're business but I spend almost the whole week at his-I mean OURS-the opportunity you think you saw to slide
back into my bedsheets isn't happening...won't happen and has no chance in one million of happening. Yes, I filed for divorce but I also submitted a motion to stay the petition and I intend to let it lapse. Now; Robert said something about transferring you if you can't control yourself and tbh I hope that you CAN-you're a good friend and 19 would be worse without you here but it's up to you...'k? Please?"

"Yeah, OK. I don't know if I can 'control myself' but I'll try. I'll-I'll see Diane and if therapy doesn't help I'll consider the transfer. I, um...I JUST LOVE YOU, ANDS"-

"C'mon, Jack"-

"That'd be good-Robert's coming by to help me move some things to our house...hey Jack? Make a life for yourself, please. You deserve to be happy."

Robert came in two minutes later and before she can approach to greet him he asks "What was Gibson doing here and for HOW LONG??"



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