Chapter 1

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     They were sharp. Filled with intent. And captured Kaden's attention the moment he stepped into the club. The cold blue eyes felt like they pierced right through him. On that couch, two equally intense people sat on either side of the man, looking more like a pair of bodyguards than friends. Kaden couldn't break eye contact when he made his way past their table. Finally, when he only saw the man out of the corner of his eye, was he able to look away. He could have sworn he saw a faint grin spreading across the person's lips at the last second.

     Kaden realized that if he saw him again, he would know exactly what that exchange meant.

     Walking further into the unfamiliar darkness of the club, he heard the sound of footsteps. They seemed purposeful and were likely headed in his direction. Kaden turned around with suspicion and saw the grin he only thought he had noticed before.

     "Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but... You're after the same as me, aren't you?"

     Kaden backed up, his face turning a darker red. His earlier guess had been confirmed.


     The man stepped closer, as Kaden moved back once more, feeling a cold surface sting against his back. He used the wall for support when he slung his arm over the man's shoulder, urging him on.

     Right next to them—he heard a sudden noise—that sounded like... a bark?

     Kaden's eyes opened and he awoke to two jet-black eyes staring intently at him. He rushed to sit up in his bed. A drawn-out sigh left him when he realized what had happened.

     "Morning, Aziel..." He trailed his hand lazily over the head of the German shepherd, who was standing on the floor next to his bed.

     "Why him, huh? Did I really need to be reminded of that guy?" The dog merely tilted his head. During the momentary silence, Kaden felt something stir next to him. He turned his head to see another pair of dark beady eyes. A collie of significant size was lying there on the bed, wanting his attention as well.

     "You too, Kane? Ah, I couldn't possibly ignore that look."

     After a few more moments, he finally managed to drag himself out of bed. Still irked by the dream, Kaden looked around the room, lost in thought. That is until Kane suddenly jumped off the bed and joined Aziel on the floor.

     "Oh, you two. I do appreciate both of you for giving me some kind of routine." The dogs looked at him attentively, searching for any words they might understand.

     "Speaking of... I suppose it's time for food and a walk, yeah?" Now they reacted, already halfway out of the bedroom. The door was open after all. No one else was here, so no reason to close it.

     "I'm writing that damn application when I get back. I... have to let myself out." He noticed the two impatient dogs' heads turn back to him, wondering why he was still standing there. He gave them a wry smile, before finally leaving the room—and walking out into an even bigger one. It was... Too big. Too empty.

     It was about a week later.

     Kaden pulled out one of the many blazers that had practically been abandoned. He shut the closet door, and threw the jacket over his shoulders, covering the white dress shirt underneath.

     "It's been too long." He turned around to see a peppy collie standing by the doorway to his room. A darker shape was moving in the background, which stopped when it noticed the two of them.

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