Chapter 5

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     It was Kaden who saw the sun first, as it peeked out from behind the curtains. However, something else quickly caught his attention. A few quiet noises came from beside him, ones that made his heart beat a little faster. It had already been tough only going to sleep yesterday, but now Lyon was making those sounds in his sleep.

     Kaden lightly touched his shoulder and was met with cloudy eyes.

     "Mm... uh... Morning. Kaden..."

     "Ah, morning."

     When Kaden pulled his hand back, the accompanying silence spoke volumes on its own. It was too late now. Waking Lyon up made certain memories resurface.

     "You're... hard, aren't you?"

     Seeing Kaden move closer when he said that, Lyon hurried to sit up as well.

     "I- We don't have to- I'll just ..." Lyon trailed off when Kaden's fingers ran boldly along his inner thigh.

     "What if I want to?"

     Lyon visibly gulped, eyes darting from the hand to Kaden's sly face. He tensed up when Kaden' unashamedly slid his hand in under his boxers.

     "T- Then... please... do it..."

     With a pleased smile, Kaden moved even closer, brushing his hand lightly against the side of Lyon's cock. Lyon inhaled sharply, shivering in anticipation. Though the moment only lasted a short while. Kaden pulled his hand back out, causing a whine to involuntarily leave Lyon.

     "You didn't hear that."

     Kaden chuckled, not used to such a flustered Lyon.

     "That needy?" Kaden tugged at the rim of his boxers, before pulling them further down to fully expose him. Before Lyon could respond, Kaden wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. Lyon breathed shakily, as he sought to gain extra support by holding onto Kaden's shoulder.

     "I was gonna say something to that... but... u- ugh..." His last words came out in a near moan when Kaden deliberately grasped tighter around him.

     "You're in no shape for that," Kaden whispered, the hand on his shoulder trembling. It was clear he had done something right, as Lyon's cock throbbed in his hand.

     "Nngh... Someone's having a little too much fun teasing me..." Despite being slightly dazed, Lyon was still composed enough to talk back. Before Kaden could react, he already felt a hand traveling down his lower stomach. Lyon reached under the fabric and got an impressively strong grip on Kaden's cock. Kaden nearly bucked into his hand, much more aroused than he realized.

     "L- Lyon-!" The self-satisfied expression he was met with only further cemented that this was becoming a competition.

     "Oh? Guess I'm not the only needy one, huh?"

     Kaden gave him a smug look, letting his hand slowly move up along Lyon's cock. And though Lyon arched from the touch, he was quick to move his own hand as well.

     Despite the mild pleasure that was making his legs tremble, Kaden had a good grip and the necessary confidence. He pressed roughly around the shaft and moved his hand up, as he drove his thumb under the edge of the glans.

     "F-Fuck..." Lyon uttered breathlessly between moans, as his cock pulsed. Small drops of clear liquid formed at the tip and started trickling down. Kaden was feeling pretty confident so far, as well as incredibly into the sight of Lyon writhing because of him. And those sounds...

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