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Mac'hla swept the floor of their lab. Dirt and leaves were everywhere... This is what happened when Mac'hla wasn't able to get into their lab everyday.

Jim sauntered in and leaned on a lab bench.


Mac'hla straightened their posture, "Yes sir?"

"I apologize for snapping at you." he said, "But I suspect that your exposure to the Hawking radiation has affected your thought process."

Mac'hla had to admit, they were a little offended by that statement.

"I disagree, but I can understand why you may think that." she said a little tensely, "I am quite sound of mind."

Kirk sighed, "You seemed sure that there was something there, but there clearly–"

"Sir, if you believe that I am cognitively compromised then perhaps you should relieve me of my duties and send me back to sickbay." she said sharply.

"Your attitude isn't needed, Lieutenant." Kirk said defensively, "What I'm trying to say is that you may be experiencing paranoia, which is common after exposure to radiation. I don't doubt you Lieutenant, not even for a second. I believe that there was something there, but it isn't now."

Mac'hla bit their lip and swept the dirt into a dustpan, "Yes, sir."

"I trust your opinion. I just need to take other views into consideration as well."

"I understand sir, and I respect your decision. I have nothing against what you said or did, as it was the logical action." she explained.

"You seem a little upset." Kirk noted.

Mac'hla looked up, surprised. While they were agitated by his comment about their mental state, his actions hadn't upset them.

Furthermore, what he had say did make sense, and Mac'hla's agitation was unwarranted.

"Not at all sir. Defensive perhaps, but not upset. I am trying to adjust to normal life again, that is all."

"I'd understand if you were," he pressed.

"Sir." Mac'hla said, "I really am not upset."

Jim smiled a little, "If you're positive."

He sighed and approached her, "Maggie, I am having a dinner party tonight and I would like you to be there."

"What is the occasion, sir?"

Jim smiled a little, "No occasion. Just for fun."

Mac'hla thought for a moment, "Thank you for your invitation, sir. I will be there."

Jim smiled and clapped her shoulder, "Great! It is good to have you back, Lieutenant."

"It is good to be back, sir." they said quietly and watched as Kirk left.

For a split second they felt regret for agreeing to come.

While they were certainly grateful for what he was doing, they were hesitant.

They had essentially been a hermit for two weeks, only talking to McCoy, Chapel, and whoever came to visit. The idea of being with so many people was a little nerve wracking.

But they were friends, and they were there for her. The least they could do would be to show up, even if only for a short time, and Mac'hla knew, deep down, that she would enjoy herself.

They tucked their hair into their scarf and continued sweeping, a small smile playing on their lips.

It really was good to be back. 

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