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Mac'hla's head swam, her vulcan brain unable to handle the human emotions.

Confusing would be the only way to explain it.

But as T'Ve said, sometimes the only thing one can do is embrace that.

She was right, of course. She always was.

Mac'hla stood, knees trembling and legs dripping with multiple colors of blood.

They clung to the wall as they stumbled down the hall leaving bloody hand-prints.

Mac'hla was in pain, both emotionally and physically... but sitting and wallowing in it would get her nowhere.

They had to do what they had always done: accept it and move on. To prevent more deaths, the only thing she could do was get to the bridge.

Under her breath she recited the periodic table of elements, trying to keep focussed and relaxed.

The pain in their side had dulled from adrenaline, diminishing to a dull ache.

The sound of klingon conversation rang through the halls and Mac'hla stood behind an outcropping in the hall, knowing they wouldn't be able to fight. They were far too weak from blood loss.

Mac'hla noticed a small utility closet across the hall and she dashed to it, praying she hadn't been noticed.

In the dark they shook, hearing the klingons walk past. They clutched their bat'leth to their chest as they paused outside the door.

She put her hand over her mouth, desperately trying to silence her breathing.

As the klingons walked by Mac'hla let out a small sigh of relief and waited until the footsteps faded before springing from the closet and sprinting down the hall.

Before getting to the bridge, they needed to make it to security.

They needed to know if the senior officers were okay.

She grit her teeth as she ran past the bodies of crewmen, focussed on the task at hand.

They slipped in blood as they rounded the corner of security, slicing their knee on the door frame, but they were far too focussed to notice.

She leant over the computers, frantically typing in override codes to access the bridge cameras.

"This content is restricted." the computer said.

Mac'hla bit the inside of her cheek. Damnit, even her code wouldn't work.

Okay, plan B...

Mac'hla fidgeted with the computer and managed to access the audio chip.

"Computer, reroute bridge audio to communicator B-3, access code Alpha-Kilo-Romeo-November-One-Seven-Six."

There was silence and then a small beep before her communicator began to blare the audio of the bridge.

"Where is it?" a klingon demanded, speaking federation standard.

"I have told you, we have no information!" Kirk said angrily.

There was the sound of a punch landing and Kirk groaning.

Mac'hla stood and swore. She needed to get to the bridge now.

She took off running from security and down the hall, still listening to the staticy audio.

"If you do not tell us where the information is, we will find a way to get it out of you," Another punch and Uhura cried out. "One way or another."

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