Rave'N Dance

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Tylers POV

'I was working at the Weathervane surving the usual customers, it was surprisingly empty with only three customers.I was on break when a little bell by the tip jar got my attention, i walked over an their was a note inside'

Dear Tyler

I was wondering if you wanted to come to the Rave'N dance with me.If you decide to come to the dance, come to ophelia hall dorm 12 A

Love, Wednesday Addams

Wednesday's POV

'I was typing in my typewriter for my novel, it was about a girl who got mysteriously murdered.I suddenly heard a knock on my door, coming!'.I opened the door and saw...Tyler?. 'Hey got your note, i thought it was sweet and genuine.Once he saw my shocked expression he said, 'Need a few minutes'?.

'Genuine and sweet? How could you do this to me?Thing snapped his fingers twice, then he pointed at my bed.How'd you pay for?Thing lifted five of his fingers.Five-Finger discount, of course.Thing, dont look.

Tylers POV

'I was waiting nervously before the stairs, i was worried maybe Wednesday had ditched me, i heard a loud gasp and i looked at the stairs and saw Wednesday.She looked unrecognisable, then i walked over to her. Wow, you look. Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of a female objectifaction for the male gaze? Amazing. I mean it Wednesday, you look beautiful.

Wednesday's POV

I was walking down the stairs, i was so nervous that i was fiddling with the end of my dress the entire time,i heard a loud gasp. I guess the thought of Wednesday Addams in a dress never crossed their little minds, i saw Tyler, he was looking at some old photos that my mom was included. Wow you look.Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of a female objectification for the male gaze? Amazing. I mean it Wednesday, you look beautiful.

'Come on lets dance.'

Tylers POV

'For the first time ever i saw Wednesday having fun, i mean if you would look through the hundreds of students she would surely stand out, not only because she was the only one with a black dress. I was surely having one of the best nights of my life and she made it even better.'

Wednesday's POV

'I was having so much fun i almost cracked a smile. Hey il be back in a minute let me get us some drinks. Ok, said Tyler. Why did you come with him? 'Xavier can we talk another time please, fine' As we were all dancing all of a suden the fire alarm went of and sprayed a red luiquid, i tasted it 'They couldn't even get real pigs blood, its only paint'.

Tylers POV 

'Well, i have to go, it's almost past curfew for me, i said to Wednesday, Ok, said Wednesday. Well Il see you next weekend before and aftert therapy.Ok 

'Goodnight Tyler'

'Goodnight Wednesday'

This is my first ever oneshot so dont judge please

You can give me requests and i will try to update once a day of maybe twice on weekends and if i have grammar mistaked feel free to tell me :)

Goodnight/Good morning/ good afternoon 

And make sure to vote and and leave a comment;)

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