The deadly chase

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" Let's go exploring!" Brooke yells happily "yer !!!" Yells all of the others, "race ya to the beach !" Emma yelled as we all ran to the beach " come on Stella you to Oliver it's a race and you two will be at the beach by Christmas ! " Brooke says staring at Oliver then at Stella "fine ... " Oliver looks down and starts jogging before playfully collapsing "it's to far " oliver said making everyone laugh, Brooke runs and gives Oliver a hand "come on ", "which way now ?"Hannah says , "well I am going this way "aarushi turns and starts to walk, as we all follow

It's dark now " we should be getting back " Emma says worriedly, " I don't think we will make it back till late lets just sleep on the beach, with the moon and the stars " Brooke sits down looking at the sky and everyone does the same we all sleep on the beach, as everyone was sleeping Brooke was woken by gun shots " guys what was that ?" , " We will check in the morning, get some sleep " oliver replies before falling back to sleep. Brooke stares at where the noise of guns came from before fall asleep her self

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