Welcome to Neverland

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"God Dammit!" I shouted, clutching the railings as the boat entered the waters around Neverland. I saw the mountain of the island, a cold feeling settling in my gut. Hook was at the wheel, whilst the others were clutching onto various pieces of rigging to stable themselves. "Neverland." I whispered, trying desperately to keep myself from trembling.

I,  just like many others, had heard stories of Neverland, of the boy who lived there, who played his pipes to lure others away from safety. I remember the vivid stories of my parents, warning me of the 'god of Neverland' and how I should avoid him at all costs. Yet still I managed to find myself willingly voyaging into the twisted heart of the island.

As far as I could tell, we were sailing smoothly, and nothing was going wrong. So naturally, an argument broke out, because none of us could go five minutes without yelling at each other.

"Why are you slowing down?" Regina snarked to Hook.

"We'll loop our way around and take him by surprise, it'll be faster inevitably." Hook replied, rather calmly.

"My son's life is on the line here!" Regina noted for the twentieth time in the past hour.

A shape below the water caught my eye, and I looked down to see strange blue-green shapes moving about like very curious fish.

"Uhm," I started, "Guys? You might want to see this." Regina turned towards me as Emma, Mary Margaret and David came over to look at the water. Human faces were swirled with the strange fish, and one of them nearly jumped out of the water. It was then that I could piece together what the creatures were.

I backed away from the railing fast, as the others looked at me in confusion. I looked directly at Hook, and pointed at the water. "Mermaids." I said weakly.

Almost immediately, the mermaids attacked, slamming into the boat and riling up the seas. They were trying to capsize us, but the Jolly Roger held up against their attacks, but I could tell it wouldn't be for long. The mermaids would keep going, they always did, and eventually they would get what they wanted.

As the mermaids hit the boat with their tails, a storm brewed overhead. The rocking of the boat disoriented me, as it always does, and I could feel myself swaying on my feet. I gripped the side of the boat, trying desperately to not see my lunch again. But as the mermaids hit the ship once more, the rocking sent me careening across the deck. The mermaids continued their pounding, and I was flung overboard, splashing into the ocean. Over the roar of the waves, I couldn't even tell if the others had noticed.

As I fell through the frigid water, my muscles spasmed, refusing to move as I sank further. My lungs felt as though they were going to explode. My vision dimmed as I felt consciousness fading from me. Right before I passed out, a shape appeared in the water, seemingly having teleported. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, though I couldn't be sure if it was a person, a mermaid, or a demon coming to drag me to hell. But I was teleported out of the water, and I felt cool sand under my hands as the person set me down on the beach. But unfortunately, my body had long since run out of stamina, and I felt a burst of energy right before I lost consciousness.

Third Person POV

Pan crouched down to be at (Y/N)'s level as he leaned her on the beach against a tree. He looked down at the gem attached to a choker around her neck. He reached his hand out and wiped the water from it, feeling the odd engravings etched onto the stone. He disconnected the gem from the choker easily, and stood back up, looking down at (Y/N).

As he began to walk away, he looked back and said, "Welcome back to Neverland darling."

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