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TW: Blood

I sprinted through the woods, my hood falling off as the lost boys raced to catch up with me. I looked overhead, seeing someone flying down. I focused my eyes back in front of me, where Peter Pan was landing.

I swerved to the side, and found myself right back at the lost boys camp as they all danced around the fire. I looked around the campsite, trying to find Henry, but I couldn't. I swayed with the strange music of the pan pipes, that could only be heard by those who felt lost, discarded.

I stepped forward, and fell off of a ship, into the frigid waters around Neverland. But this time, I could still breathe and see. I saw Pan teleport himself into the water after I had been falling through it. I felt him wrap his arms around me, and teleport us both out of the water. I saw as he placed me on the cool sand, and I watched him take the gemstone from my necklace.

I tried to get up, and my dream shifted once more. I was sitting in a tree, resting my head on Pan's shoulder as we looked out over Neverland. No sounds made it to us in the tree, it seemed as though it was just us and an empty island, peaceful and quiet. But a lost boy came up and said something indistinct, and Pan hopped down from the tree.

The loss of balance caused me to fall over, and I was small again. My caretakers righted me, chuckling about how I'd fallen. But someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I looked back at them, seeing a face splattered in blood. The mysterious man gestured for me to follow, but instead, I looked back towards my caretakers. Instead, (TRIGGER WARNING BEGINS) I saw a mass of meat and bone, faces sawed off of their heads, only distinct enough that I could tell they were not my caretakers. A rib poked through one of the empty eyes of a face. (TRIGGER WARNING ENDS)

I looked back towards the man, but he was gone. In his place was Pan, holding out a hand for me to take. I took it, and he led me out of the cage and into the full moonlight. I looked out over Neverland for the first time. But when I looked back at Peter, he flashed into the man then back to himself. He looked at me, and then gestured for me to follow.

As I did, the world shifted again. I was back at the campsite, standing in the center. I looked around to see Regina, Hook, Mary Maragaret, David, and myself all in their sleeping bags. Emma, however, was awake and was walking into another area. I followed her out of curiosity, and saw Pan appear. Before she noticed he was there, Pan made eye contact with me, and I wanted more than anything to wipe the smirk off his face. But I knew I was dreaming. I couldn't interact with the waking world, and I wasn't going to wake up naturally from this kind of dream. Pan introduced himself and gave Emma a map. What game is he playing? I thought, knowing that Pan does everything with intention. Pan explained how the map would work, and then disappeared. Emma went back into the campsite, and I heard her wake us up.

"Get up (Y/N)!" Emma yelled at me from the waking world.

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