A Deal and a Fight

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"JESUS!" I yelled back at her. "I'm awake already!" I got up, still thinking about my dreams. I felt like I hadn't slept at all, and I knew the last part of my dream was very much real and had just happened. Emma explained how the map worked, and how she needed to accept who she truly was for it to show her the way.

She began listing off traits of herself, like who she was, what she did, that sort of thing. As Emma talked to the map, I looked around the campsite, trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Something seemed off about everything after my dreams, although I couldn't be sure if it was that the world didn't change every time I stepped, or if there was something actually wrong.

I saw a flash of something in the corner of my eye, and turned to David. "I'm going to go on a short walk, I need to wake myself up a bit more." I told him quietly. He nodded, still looking at his daughter. I went towards where I saw the strange shape, and I kept seeing flashes of it, like every time I would reach the last spot it was at it would show itself to me further away.

I followed it until the campsite was out of sight, and immediately realized my mistake. "Goddammit (Y/N)." I said to myself as the shadow appeared in front of me. It grabbed my wrist and flew into the trees. I held onto it very closely, as even though I had magic, I didn't trust myself to teleport safely back down to the ground. The shadow took me to a clearing that was quite far from camp, although I didn't know how close it was to the lost boys camp. Naturally, as it set me down, Peter Pan was in front of me.

"Y'know," I said, still tired from my dreams. "You could just like, come to my camp, instead of luring me to other places."

Pan looked at me like I was crazy, which, to be fair, I probably was.

"That's quite the powerful cloaking spell you have there." Pan said. I paled, hoping I didn't know where this was going. "Strong enough to fool the evil queen." He walked towards me, but this time I stood my ground. "In fact," Pan said, almost teasingly, "I think I've seen it before." He stood over me, and even though he was only four inches taller than me, he still seemed like a mountain compared to me. "I'd like my spell back (Y/N)." I backed away from him as I felt some of the magic leaving me.

I felt my horns becoming visible, and my tail as well. I flicked it with agitation as small fangs returned to me. "Put it back." I snarled at him, anger and fear mingling in my mind. Pan pulled out my gem instead. Instead of its usual red and pink, it was white and red, like clouds reflecting in bloody water.

"Ooh," He said mockingly. "You really care about that spell don't you." The 'clouds' in my gem faded, and I could feel my eyes turning bloodshot. "How about I make you a deal." He said. I felt my eyes return to normal, but I was still ready to kill him. "You could either get the spell back, or get the gem back."

I considered it for a moment. "The gem." Peter shrugged, and tossed me the gem. I caught it carefully, and turned around and started walking out of the clearing.

It took a surprisingly short time to get back to the rescue party's camp. Nobody even seemed to notice I was gone. Regina had just cast a spell on the map to take them to Henry, and it seemed my minor cloaking spell hid my horns, tail, and fangs from the others well enough. We followed the map together, and found Henry.

"Henry!" Emma yelled up the hill. "Thank god you're okay." But something was wrong, something was off about 'Henry'.

"Hello Emma." Said a voice that was very much not Henry's as Pan turned around. "You broke the rules of our game. That's not fair." The lost boys swarmed over the hill and began firing arrows at us.

"Watch out for the arrows!" Hook called out. "They're laced with dreamshade!" I pulled out my dagger and raced behind a tree for cover. Just behind the tree, there was a small plant of dreamshade. I stabbed into it with my knife, coating the blade in the deadly poison. An arrow nearly sliced off my nose, and I backed myself up until I was squished against the tree. I wouldn't look good without a nose.

I turned around the tree once more, aiming the knife. I threw it, and as soon as it left my hand my head started spinning. I followed its path with my eyes as it dug into his chest, and I knew the pained look on his face reflected across my own features. I could tell just from the look on his face that he knew I threw it, but of course he would. The lost boys retreated, him following. 

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