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When we arrived back at our camp, Emma went back to talking to the map. I sat down on a stump, my head pounding like a million rock trolls were partying on it. I cradled my head as Emma said she figured out the map. I looked up, not knowing if I would be able to get up.

I tried, but it felt like an outside force was pushing down on my shoulders, keeping me down. "Can I stay here? That fight really wore me out."

Regina started to say something, but Mary Margaret cut her off. "Let her rest Regina, that fight taxed us all."

They left to go find Henry, leaving me in the campsite. I held my head, feeling as the rock trolls party got more intense. I felt the weight lift from my shoulders, and I looked around fearfully. Pan materialized in front of me, and I noticed how he was bleeding at least a little bit. He looked down at me as my vision blurred from my headache. He smirked sadistically at my pain, leaning down to meet my eye level, and through my blurry vision I could see him waving his hand in a strange motion.

My surroundings faded, and I reappeared in a strange cavern. The quiet voices in my head went from whispering to screaming, and every emotion I had felt was incredibly amplified. Through my headache, I reached for the gemstone in my pocket and pulled it out. I nearly dropped the small rock, it was incredibly hot and bright, shining every color imaginable at the same time. It looked like rainbow vomit.

Each of my thoughts pounded against my skull, making it feel like my head was going to shatter. I held my head with my hands, trying to hold back tears as Pan crouched in front of me.

"Do you remember this place?" He asked, clearly rhetorically. "I do. You trapped me in here for a week when you left Neverland." As he spoke, the glow and heat of the gemstone both lowered, darkening the cave. He stood up and circled around the stump that was teleported with me. "I thought it fitting to trap you in here the same way, leave you alone until someone found you." He stopped moving when he stood directly in front of me. He reached out and touched my cheek, and subconsciously I leaned into his touch, feeling the gemstone I still held cooling to the touch. But he recoiled his hand, and the stone heated again.

He was gone a split second later, having vanished in mid air. Without the sound of his voice, the sight or even the touch of him to focus my thoughts, I was left in the dark room. My thoughts were scattered, once more pushing against my skull. I felt a tear trace my cheek, and watched as the gem flashed a brilliant blue before returning to the rainbow barf.

In that moment, I realized something. I realized that no matter how much I wanted to, how much I needed to, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to hurt Pan. We were connected in a way. I looked down once more at the gemstone in my hand, my thumb tracing the familiar engraving on the largest surface. The panpipe symbol was clearly, and had been for many years, a symbol for Peter Pan.

No wonder my head had hurt when I threw the dagger, soulmates are emotionally and physically connected. In a sense, they feel what the other does. More thoughts pounded on my head, and I sat in silence and in pain. After what felt like an eternity, I opened my mouth and whispered, so quiet I could barely hear it myself. "Please. Please come back."

Third Person POV

Pan stood outside the cave entrance, just beyond the reach of its powerful magic. He smirked when the weak words barely reached his ear, and then flew away, back towards his camp. After all, he needed to speak with Henry.

Hours later, Regina led the way to the cave entrance, where weak sobs were coming from. She had carefully followed the trail of magic that her partner had left, using a very strong tracing spell to lead her to the cave. She stepped inside the cave, immediately feeling the effects of its power.

Regina looked at her companions, seeing as they experienced the same things. Before she went mad from her own thoughts, she cast a light spell, illuminating the inside of the cave. It was quite small, and in the center was a tree stump, a human form huddled on it. Immediately she noticed something off about this 'human'.

"Something's wrong," Regina said, putting her arm out to stop the others.

"Well obviously," Snow replied, clearly agitated. "She's been in here for hours, alone and in the dark."

"No, she looks strange," Regina said, getting closer. "It's like there's some kind of spell-"

Before Regina could continue, Emma pushed through the group, David right behind her. Together they lifted the semi-conscious form of their companion, and carried her out of the cave.

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