Dreams II

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My dreams were plagued with painful memories. I blinked open my eyes as the cloth was removed from my face. I was in a clearing full of sunlight, a beautiful quaint little hut in front of me. I covered my mouth with my hands in awe, turning to Pan. He smiled, taking my hand and leading me into the house. The dream was silent, but I could remember the way the door creaked, and how there was a squeaky floorboard just inside the bedroom. I looked at him, remembering how he'd chuckled at the bed. Get it? I could almost hear him speak, his mouth moved as if he were talking. Because you're my queen. I wanted to cry, seeing this memory replay itself. I wanted to curl into a ball and sob, to just let it all out. But instead I nearly keeled over laughing.

The floor changed beneath me, the hard wood morphing into soft dirt. I snapped my head up, and was instantly running. But it wasn't fear based, I was laughing. I saw as Pan appeared in front of me, and I ran into his arms. He held me closely, leaning down slightly to kiss me on the nose.

My surroundings changed once more, and I was in the lost boys camp, dancing around with the rest of them. I spun around the fire, switching dance partners until I ended up with Pan. We danced dramatically, ending the song with a flair. The flames roared, burning hotter and hotter until they melted everything away.

I watched with horror as everything was reconstructed, shapes brought back from their gooey form. I was sitting on a log next to a new lost boy, Freddy. Hey, I recalled myself saying. I know things are different here. You'll be okay. He looked up at me, tears brimming his eyes. I wanna go home. I wrapped my arm around him, trying to comfort him. Do you want to see something strange? He looked up at me once more, nodding. I looked towards one side of the camp, not turning my head. With a bit of force, I felt something in my skull pop, and my other eye could see the other side of camp. I looked back at him and he nearly jumped back. With another pop my eyes were able to refocus on Freddy.

I saw him chuckling, but everything around me turned to sand and was blown away by the wind. I was on the beach, looking up at the sky as the moon shone above me, like it was begging me to stay. My eyes watered slightly as I connected the constellations. I remember the ones Peter and I had made up, like the Jukebox and the Telephone. I remember how he'd looked at me, so confused, and asked what those were.

"Where do you think you're going?" I snapped my head back at the sound of a voice, the first sound my dreams had. Even before I saw him I recognized his perfect British accent and I knew who I'd be looking at.

"I'm sorry Peter." I'd practiced these words so many times, but couldn't bring myself to say them.. He stepped towards me, but I held up a crossbow, the arrow laced with dreamshade. I couldn't stay here any longer. I have to do this. I repeated the mantra in my head, then fired the crossbow. Pan caught it easily, and threw it aside. He tried to take a step towards me, but his body was frozen.

"Dreamshade." He said, looking at me with a mix of heartbreak and betrayal. I nodded, then took one of his hands and placed an enchanted stone in it. I had three seconds before it activated.

"I'm so sorry." I let go of his hand and he disappeared. I still wore his cloaking spell that he'd given to me so long ago. Tears spilled from my eyes but I didn't have time to stop and cry. I had to keep moving, to keep going. If I stopped now, I'd never start again. I recited an incantation, and a whirlpool opened in the sea, like a gaping hole in reality. I leaped in, and as water closed in around me, I could feel a change in everything. I was no longer in Neverland, but as I surfaced, I didn't know if I regretted my choice.

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