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"Jane be happy! Your gonna have a father now!" Isabelle insisted.

"I don't want a step-father! Ever! Not here! Not him!" The half-blood started stumping her feet over and over again.

The witch slapped the half-breed. "Don't talk back to me, you filthy half-blood. You're nothing but just a brat with a foul mouth, you hear me?"

"Yes." the half-breed looked at the floor with wary eyes.

"Go. Now. I said go!" Isabelle yelled, the little girl turned her heel and ran out of the room, and proceeds to head to her bedroom, closing the door.

She grabbed a piece of clothing, her nightgown, putting it over her head, as it slides down to cover her body. She looked down at the floor and turned her head back up, closing the lights, and heading to bed.

The next day, the redheaded princess woke up, feeling energetic, she brushed her bright red hair with a hairbrush and placed it down on her vanity set, before running out of her bedroom.

"Good morning, Jane!" Blaire bursted out, full of energy.

"Hi, Blaire." Said Jane with a frown, the king is walking through the corridor, eyeing he's daughter and the half-breed.

"Jane, Blaire. Go get dressed." he commanded.

Hours pass, The Half-Blood is sitting nearby a pond, reading a book.

Something came out of the water! It splashed her face and clothes with dirt water. The half-blood stood up and ran.

The thing chased and grabbed the girl by the waist using it's magic. She couldn't move.

"Ugh!" She groaned "Hello there, little girl." It's  voice started to get more intense the creature pushed her and she landed on the ground, dirt is on her face and bruises appeared on her knees.

The creature started to chase but then the creature's foot touched some cow poop... But she started to ran at the same time after she finally lost the creature. The half-blood climbed a large tree so that she can go to her bedroom window without going to the front door.

She's too embarrassed to show her own mother her face and knees which are full of dirt and bruises.

She got dressed it was 5pm They were gonna have some fancy dinner at 6:30 sharp.

The half-blood wore dress robes that have floaty Majestic periwinkle fabric.

398 words.

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