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TW: Short

They finished eating, the adults were talking about a certain topic, and the children were playing.

Suddenly, a tentacle broke in the place, grabbing the redhead's leg, Blaire's face landed on the floor, causing a bruise on her cheek, and some sort of friction on her knee.

Isabelle, the witch. Slightly smirked and hid under the table with a fake concerned expression. Mary snatched an axe out of nowhere.

The brunette girl started to chop the tentacles off of her copper-haired friend. Gregory is screaming, and the half-blood is watching in fear and a hint of amusement, she had to admit. It was cool. But it's still weird. A tentacle broke into another wall, and pulled the half-breed's leg, making her trip and falling on her stomach. The half-blood started screaming and slightly digging the floor with her fingernails. "Help me please!" Jane screamed, Mary chickened out, and Gregory snatched the axe from he's twin, and tried to the tentacle of off the half-blood.

"Hold my hand, Jane! We'll pull!" Yelled Mary, the adults were watching in fear, not even bothering to help their own children. The tentacle pushed the boy away, then. King Gwen stood up. "Hey!" Isabelle yelled, confused on why he's leaving her. The king grabbed a chair and threw it at the creature, the creature dropped the children it held, and it started to burn like acid.

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