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"I'm excited to meet them, mum." The blonde said, joyfully.

"you'll meet them shortly, okay?" Her mother turned her daughter around to face her. "Diana. Promise that you'll be on your best behavior."

"I promise." Said Diana, the princess walked outside of the castle and in the carriage, all alone. She's dressed in a blue poofy dress with poofy sleeves and blue ballerina flats, looking at the carriage driver, she felt bored, watching the people outside through the carriage window.

Diana can see a group of men surrounding a woman. The woman seems to be enjoying it but her pleasured expression turned into a furious one, seeing her daughter getting kicked out of the apartment where she lives in. "Mother! He kicked us out, you didn't pay the rent on time." The child said, pulling on her mother's arm. "Tch, leave me alone, you brat!" She pushed her daughter off.

Our view moves to Diana leaning back in her seat, looking bored, a few minutes later, she arrived at the castle, entering the entrance. There were a group of friends, a white-haired half-blood, Jane. A redhead, Blaire, two brunette twins, Mary and Gregory, and another boy with black hair, Alex, who is a peasant.

"Hey Mary! Hey Greg!"

"Hello, Diana, this is Jane and this is Blaire, and this is Jane's friend." Said Mary. "My name's Alex." The raven-haired boy mumbled.

"Nice to meet you, Alex."

Time skip,
The princess went home and started to get a little dizzy, she drank a cup of water to cool off, as she's walking through the corridor to go to her bedroom, she saw a little black door on the wall.

"Hmm? What's this?" The girl said to herself, and tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge.

She stood up and flatted her dress out, walking to her bedroom.
Diana walked to her cabinet, opening it and seeing a black key, a key that's fit for the door. She picked it up, analyzing it.

"Could this be the key for the door I saw?" Diana said, looking at the key in her hand. She rushed to go find the door again.

She twisted the key inside the door knob, unlocking it revealing a dark blue portal. The blonde crawled inside of the portal, the key still in hand. As she entered the portal, she saw a crooked house.

"What is this place?" She gasped. She walked inside the house. Seeing a gooey eyed woman with a dirty ripped white dress.

"Hello, child. How old are you?" The woman asked in a raspy voice. "I'm Niveda, I'm a witch and a human. A good witch."

"Go away, you filthy little half-blood!" Yelled Diana, the creature's soft expression turned into a furious one. "Now, that was a question, how old are you." The lady repeated, transforming into a more bigger creature with a even more dirtier dress with ripped parts, and blood stains on it, her dark hair is messy, covering her eyes, and her eyes were filled with black goo.

The princess' eyes widened and she started sprinting, but then she tripped.

Rise up Season 2Where stories live. Discover now