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Tae P.o.v

In the blink of an eye it was already Saturday.  And I had no idea how fast that week had gone by.

I was strangely nervous because today will be the first time I'm going to talk to Time after what happened and I'm a little afraid that everything will get weird and end up getting worse than this.

"Mom? Which one do I go with?"  I ask showing the clothes to her who is looking at the clothes for a while.

"I think this black one is very beautiful" she says taking a little wine from her glass.

She had chosen Chanel.

I went back to the room, took a shower and went to my mother's room to borrow some things from her.

I didn't do any very elaborate makeup, I was clean.  I dried my hair then went to put on my clothes.

"You look beautiful" I hear my mother's voice taking me by surprise.

"Thank you mom" I say going to her who hands me the bag.

"I love you, be careful, and let me know if you're not coming home" she says holding my face looking into my eyes.

"It's okay... I love you too" I say leaving the house and getting into the taxi.

The place was a bit far and that didn't help my anxiety.  I could feel my palms sweating cold, I checked the time on my cell phone every five minutes.  I decided to open instagram to distract myself until I saw the photo that Time had just posted of a beautiful dinner table followed by the caption.

'beautiful night for a nice dinner'

I couldn't help my heart racing, Time always knew that romantic things have always been my weakness.

In fact he knows exactly what he needs to do to get me to let my guard down.

I'm soon taken out of my thoughts when the car stopped in front of the luxurious hotel.

I thanked the driver and followed my destination to the restaurant.  Soon I was greeted by a very polite girl who asked my name and then gave me a smile directing me to an outdoor table where I had a beautiful view of the illuminated city.

"How beautiful" I say to myself enjoying the view.

"I thought you would like it" I look to the side and see Time coming towards the table and putting down a bottle of wine.  He looked gorgeous in that black suit, so charming.

"I thought you weren't coming" he says as I walk over to the table where he pulls out my chair like a gentleman.

"There was a little traffic so I was a little late" I say as he pours the wine.

We were silent for a few minutes before I heard him take a deep breath, so I directed my attention to him.

"You know my purpose with this dinner" he says and I agree "I know that not every apology and not every romantic dinner is going to change what I've done, but I think we both have a lot of history and we've been through a lot together to end it with an ending as unhappy as this"

"That's why I haven't completely broken up with you yet. Because I know how valuable everything we have together is, and we built together" I say looking at him being very sincere.  "But before anything I want to know the truth... I want the whole truth about what happened that day"

"Okay... that night I treated Tem the same way I treated everyone else but since he was your junior and he seemed shy and I tried to introduce him to other people but I don't think he saw it that way and started getting drunk and hitting on me, I was drunk too because I was having fun. After I saw the time I said goodbye to everyone and went to the car but I ended up dropping my keys on the floor because I was so drunk, then you called me I don't remember very well but he pushed me onto the bench and then it happened" he told me I was in disbelief because it was exactly something Tem would do.

"Were you really that drunk? You know being drunk doesn't justify what you did?"  I say staring at him and then he made that face of frustration bringing his hand to his forehead.

"I know it doesn't. But he literally took advantage of me while I was drunk" he was telling the truth, I know him very well.  The tone of voice, the gestures, the way he moves his eyebrows.

I can't believe that motherfucker abused my drunk boyfriend.

"You broke my trust" I said but then I'm cut off by him.

"Don't you understand that it was against my will? I didn't want any of that. Especially because on the same night that happened the only thing I wanted was you Tae. I wanted your smell, your body, your touch... You are everything that I want."  He says putting the ring on the table.  "Come back to me please?"

"You don't think I'm going to be a joke for getting back together with you after this? Because people don't know the whole story" I say looking at the ring.

"Fuck what they think, you never cared about that" he says taking the ring and taking it to my finger, putting it in the place where it should never have left.

"I can't spend another day away from you" I say low looking into his eyes.  What can I do I'm blind in love with this man.

"You know I love you with all my life Tae. If one day we went back to living in that dirty apartment where I had to work like a slave to pay the bills. I would go back and do it all over again the same way because I know that you're worth it Tae."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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