Chapter 1

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"La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n' existe pas."
                                       - Charles Baudelaire

("The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist")

The book ended with this qoute and a 'thud' sound came as the the book cover slaps the last page of the book closing the whole imagination build in Cassania's mind.
She kept the book on the side table and moved towards the washroom to do her night skincare routine. Splashing water on her face washed away all her anxiety and fear she is been facing everyday in reality but still a pinch of sorrow can be felt in her heart exerted by the ending of the book.
Cassania looked into the mirror deep into her thoughts , these thoughts always occupied her mind whenever she looked herself in the mirror.
Cassania Collins an employee of a well known finance company in the city. She retained a good position which was the fruit of her endeavours till now. But working under pressure all the time has made her completely devastated.
She has been working for six years without a single support from anyone not even her family.
She crossed all the hurdles of her life alone which made her strong and ambitious but lonely at the same time .
The loneliness she suffered was overcome by abandoning reality and entering into a deep slumber of imagination. Her hobby of reading makes her feel good by creating a bond with the characters.

The book she finished just a while ago made her feel the whole lot of new emotions with a tint of anger related to the fire of hell . The book uncovers the facts allied with hell and stories giving a fantasy support as well.
"It was a good book " she murmured looking towards it . After all her routine she went to bed to sleep .
Suddenly, she felt the sense of relaxation, ease in her anxiety while entering into deep slumber.

The atmosphere of the room changed its all pitch black and orange with a warm feeling around her. Cassania realized her dream where all the candles were lit and tepidness enveloping all her tension and anxiety. She can feel a presence, a hand there's a hand holding my hand she thought and when she looked to the hand it was pale and white . Whose hands are these her thoughts kept ringing in her mind . She raised her head in the direction of the face of that person but all that she can see was a blurry vision.
A distorted figure was illustrated in front of her. She tried a lot to enlarge her eyes and rub it to make her vision clear however it was all in vain. While making these efforts she came into her senses coming across the fact that it was all her dream and it's over now.
After thie trip of wonderland in her dreams which is only a shatter memory now she stood up from her bed to drink some water also to make her mind to sleep again.
She reminded herself that she needs rest as there is an important meeting the other day where she has to look good .

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