A fathers vow

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"SON! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" the demon bull king cried that even those in the celestial realm could hear

"I hear you Father" a faint voice called back within a mountain

when DBK first got the phantom call he had believed it to be a cruel joke, one that would result in angered destruction

but no

The Samian had been telling the truth

during an arranged training fight between both the fire demon and monkey successor, something went wrong and the mountain collapsed

trapping said red demon inside

which now leads to the meeting of demon bulls and monkey


"good! now stay back! I will destroy this-" DBK announced as he began powering up, only to be disrupted by sun-wukong and MK pushing themselves in front of him

"No! If you do that then the entire mountains gonna come crashing down, and right onto Red Son" MK explained, shaking in spot, very much intimidated by the towering demon

"red son, can you try and teleport?" the monkie king asked as he redirected attention to the mountain

"it was the first thing I tried, I think the mountains deactivating my powers" Red Son replied with an annoyed huff

"Well don't worry, we'll get you out, just hang tight" the monkie king stated

If Red sons magic was acting up it was more risky for the legendary monkie to try, especially with an overprotective father on his back

"ok" Red son's voice replied nonchalantly

now that caught DBK's attention

even though they had lost most of their life together, a father knows when his child is not ok

"Are you hurt?" DBK pressed on further

"I'm not hurt, it's just cold" Red son admitted timidly


fire demons couldn't get cold!

"must be the mountain, if it can suppress magic then perhaps it's draining Red son of his fire" the monkie king muttered

"We need to slowly dig into here, I'll call Sandy for some support beams," MK said as he examined the mountain fall

only to be interrupted by a thunderous stomp of hooves

"Not enough time!" DBK yelled as he ran to the woods

that was where he plucked the trees from the ground and broke off the leaves leaving a long wooden log

"We start NOW!" DBK ordered as he began digging at the ground


If DBK had his way he would crush this mountain and scoop Red Son out before it even had a chance to fall

but no, he had to let his son suffer for more seconds than needed for the sake of some measly mortals that lived on this godforsaken mountain

how could he ever let this happen?!

after all those years under one, those horrible, time stilling prison

resulting in constant and regular nightmares

he swore when he was released, from both mountain and lady bone demons' control, that he would let neither wife or son feel the same powerlessness as he did

and yet time and time again he failed

this example is one that felt like the universe was punishing him

Just Why, why did it have to be a mountain

when he-

"hold on, I think we're there" MK stated as he held off the demon bull from ploughing any further

"All alright MK, get your clones ready, I'll get rid of the final barrier so you get those pillars ready to go, then DBK, get ready to grab Red Son" the monkie king ordered

and for once the demon did not argue with the Samian


Red son had never felt so cold

he had heard the monkey, noodle boy and father get close but he wasn't sure if he would last that long with how tired he felt

he would never admit it but he was scared

he had heard so many of his father's nightmares in the dead of night

and now history repeated itself

he knew Noodle Boy had not meant this, the irony was too strong

but not as strong as the pressure he felt crushing his core

"Father...please" Red son begged weakly

not before he felt rubble hit his face as the barrier was destroyed


"Father" Red son wavered as a rush of relief filled his lungs, the no longer pressuring force against his core

DBK held his son tight, brushing over his hair, he was saddened to see his usual high ponytail drooping and the heat that came forth compared to a simmering campfire, when usually it was something to a mortal volcano

"his power will regain velocity, he simply needs to leave this area" DBK rambled out loud, but it was more to himself as he began to walk away

"a thank you would be-" Wukong began to mutter, but MK cut him off

"leave it for now, he's got a lot to deal with right now" MK explained with a weak smile, watching as both Demon Bull King family members leave

"make sure you let Red's son know to let us know when he's feeling better, Mei will kill me if she doesn't!" MK called before the two were out of sight

the bull merely grunted in acknowledgement but nothing more, he would only spare 1% that wasn't directed at his son's well-being right now

teleporting home he made his way to the hottest area of their castle

the throne room, where a running volcano flowed behind his and his wife's back

that was where he took his usual seat and held his son in hand

he started to feel more like a forest fire and looked more at ease

but despite the flame in his hand, the bitterness in his soul could not be overlooked

(I have let this happen too much now) DBK thought internally

"I have broken my promise as many times as you did retrieving that monkey assessor" DBK chuckled to himself

of course, this was not out of malice, simply seeing how he and his son showed that they shared more than he first believed

"but like you, I will never give up, on protecting my family is my first priority" DBK vowed

and no matter how many times he vowed it, it never made it less true  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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