tinted glass

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Red son found himself in the one dreaded area he had ever come across

a place where not even his mind could save him

the slumps

yes, the almighty red son, the intelligent mind of the Demon Bull family

had found himself unable to concentrate

on his workspace, playing with his fire, burning the scrap pieces of wood, metal and sand

sand as he found it easier to make his own glass compared to melding pieces of glass together, you could always guarantee the correct proportions that way

as he flicked his fire on and off he found that a part of the sand had turned into a shape of a petal

sighing as he decided that he wasn't going to get any more work done he began adding more shapes

more petals, wielding them together in a way that made it look like a lotus flower

it may have been easy but Red Son couldn't help but admire his work

perhaps when he visited Nesha again he could give it to him, he always did enjoy showing his precious creations to the immortal 12 year old

"Perhaps mother and father would appreciate one as well" Red son muttered as he slowly felt new inspiration feel his core

after making 2 elegantly crafted fans for his mother and a family symbol engraved in glass for his father he quickly found himself

he found he couldn't stop

subconsciously making more ornaments for those he was unable to say he hadn't grown close to over time

a glass:

dragon and horse combined creature

a noodle pot with a familiar looking bandanna and staff

a cat with a mohawk

a lantern that could be used as a lamp

and a peach

red son sighed fondly of these items, only to realise what he was doing

"gah! You're getting too attached!" Red Son grumbled as he looked at the series of glass ornaments

part of his brain thought "Destroy them! never show you cared"

yet the other side told him not to, it didn't give a reason but it clearly overpowered the other, stating his weakness

"RED SON!" he heard his mother call

in a panic, he scurried to hide the evidence of his care. covering it up with a blueprint

(I'll deal with this later) red son sighed as he walked to where he knew his parents were being served food

leaving the workshop with multiple dazzling items, each holding the pure energy and power of one red son

and perhaps one day, these gifts would go to the respective people in which the thought of their receiver was evident in the design 

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