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"Streets of Birmingham"

"Did I just go fucking lost?" 

She fell asleep, and when she awoke in the train and looked out the window, she realized she was in an unfamiliar place.

As she flips through her map of London, looking for the location.

Of course, not everyone's path to achieving her dreams is easy. As she rummages through her notes, she comes across a slip of paper with the words "Camden Town, London" written on it. When she is planning for the best location for her business and knowing the list of who the gang leaders are in London, she has colleagues in London who are tracking for the best spot in her business and knowing the list who the gang leaders are in London.

Yes, she has visited the city of London many times, but not the quiet outskirts of London, but she has yet to visit her new business partner due to her busy schedule to finish up her plan and is still a one-stop trip because she still needs to visit the casino business branches in her hometown and attend business meetings.

That's when she meets Alfie Solomon through her colleague in the letters; she's inquisitively written a letter to him despite the fact that her colleague, a messenger, is afraid, especially when handling letters to the notorious gang in London at their first encounter when they tried to follow him - a gun in their head.

When she proposed her business to him and her motives in London, they began writing letters to each other.

Alfie Solomon's response was piqued by this gang leader from America, a woman, a businesswoman to be exact, especially when she runs a casino gambling business; she sends her portrait photo in her letters to ensure that she is genuine and not lying, and he does as well.

Her employees became a juicy gossip around her office after she sent a lot of letters, especially since the gang leader is private when it comes to relationships and family.

Being a famous businesswoman, unfortunately, comes at a price. They tend to pry some of her personal life in her hometown from America, some journalists want some gossip, despite her odd clothing's she became heartthrob's, swooning by men and women because of her silver-grey eyes that are also mistaken for blue. Her boyish figure and petite figure, in particular. 

Hence when her father called her Ace in their interviews, she is now known to be called the "Ace of Hearts".

(*Returning to Ace, who is lost and has no idea where she is)


-At a train station-

And now that it's getting dark, who knows where she could be. She walks around the station after getting her luggage.

"How come I didn't bring my dearest brother on this journey?"

She regrets her decision because she was proud that she could do it alone.

"Don't worry, I'm a Phantomhive, and I'll ask some stranger where I am right now."

She noticed an elderly man waiting for something.

"Now that's what I call a Bimbo."

"Hey, Mr., do you know what this station is?

The old man initially thought it was a man in a business suit, but upon closer inspection, it was a young woman in a suit, looking troubled and holding her luggage. And, based on her accent, she's not from around here.

"Miss, it's a Birmingham Station."


The old man then concludes that she is lost because of her reaction, as he hears her curse in the air and mutters quickly.

"Thank you, Mister, then I'll head to buy some ticket to London, or I'll be damn not keeping my promise.

The old man chuckles at her outburst, intrigued that she isn't afraid to express herself.

But then the old man recalls that the last train to London is leaving the station.

"Sorry Miss but it was the last train who leaves this station to London earlier before you arrive as I heard."

"Shit, I need some blowers, Mister, do you know where I can get them?"

The old man points to the blower with his finger.

As she walks to where the old man points, she comes to a halt and turns around, forgetting to thank him for his kind gesture.

"Hey Mister, I'd like to thank you again properly, but I don't know your name, but otherwise I 'll keep calling you Mister Strange?"

The old man laughs at the strange woman as he walks up to her and extends his hand in greeting to shake her hand.

"My name is Arthur Miss."

"You can also call me Acaz."

To be continued...

***(Author's note) ***

Can't wait to meet the main man

Blower: Telephone.

Bimbo: Tough Man

*** Disclaimer***

The picture's not mine. But i like to have imagine what's like in 1920s.

Ace of Hearts (Peaky Blinders x O.C reader)Where stories live. Discover now