˖°࿐ Chapter 2.1

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author's note
_i honestly dk how this story's going to go but i hope to end it after 5-6 chapters because the longer i plan it to be the harder for me to write lol

They went down to Sumeru City in silence. No one talked the way down, maybe because of the weird atmosphere between the trio. But Paimon hated the silence and she suddenly jerked up and said, "So silent now huh s/n! Thought you'd be so loud."

"At least I know when to shut up and read the goddamn room!" Scaramouche glared at her, crossing his arms.

The traveler saw what happened and chuckled. "Well.. he's not wrong either, Paimon." They glanced around the streets, pretending to not have said anything.

"Arghhh... YOU too Traveler?!" Paimon stomped her feet in frustration.

The three of them walked down the road and stopped at Puspa Café. Even though the one paying will be the traveler. Paimon persisted to get some food before they visited Inazuma.

The sunlight that passed through the windows of the rather dim cafe welcomed the three of them. A calming, jazz-y song can be heard throughout the corners of the place. The traveler headed straight to the counter while Scaramouche waited. He leaned on a wall near to the exit door and took off his hat, staring at the other two ordering.

"Welcome, customers! Are you interested in a cup of coffee?" the one behind the counter asked. She then handed the traveler the menu and Paimon flew beside them.

The two looked at the menu over and over but it looked like Paimon had a hard time choosing. As always, she wants to buy everything on the menu. But the traveler stopped her and ordered.

"We'll take 3 Padisarah Puddings then," the traveler ordered.

"Anything else?"

"That's all, thank you."

She handed them the three puddings and said, "That'll be 15.000 mora." The traveler paid and they all went out.

The traveler took Paimon and Scaramouche's hand. But he quickly pulled his hand back and glared at them.

"What are you doing taking my hand??" he bitterly said.

"Do you really want to swim your way there?" The traveler raised their eyebrow, lowkey judging. But Scaramouche clearly looked confused. He let out a "huh" and stood there motionless. The traveler rolled their eyes.

"Oh just trust me on this for once!"

They took his hand and light quickly engulfed their eyes, blinding them. A little while later, all three of them start to adjust to the light. Scaramouche's eyes adjusted a bit longer than the other two as this is the first time he's done this. He blinked his eyes a couple of times, looking stunned. When he opened his eyes, Paimon and the traveler were right in front of him.

They stared at him for a while when Paimon started to ask, "Is he okay? He's not blinded right, traveler??"

Scaramouche heard Paimon say that and quickly stepped back, glaring at her. "I really hate you, you know that right?" he said honestly to her, "Even more than the traveler actually."

Paimon, as always, stomped on her feet and then crossed her arms. Very very irritated with the blue-haired boy. But of course, Scaramouche just ignores her reaction. Instead he looked around his surroundings just to see himself already in the docks of Ritou. He furrowed his eyebrows and stomped away from the traveler.

"Wait up s/n! Where are you going?!" the traveler shouted. They had the pudding in their hand, wanting to hand it to him. Scaramouche quickly turn around and he stared bitterly at them. It stayed like it for some minutes without any of them moving. He realized that the traveler wouldn't budge either so he came back, stomping his way through.

"What is it?" he asked lazily.

"Are you really not going to ask about anything??"

"What am I supposed to ask about? 'What the heck just happened, why are we in Inazuma already?' I really couldn't care less, you know." He rolled his eyes and glared at them.

"No, not that, I know you wouldn't care about it either. What I meant was about the Kaedehara descendant."

"I'll just ask people around about him!" He looked at the traveler's hand and then decided to take one of the pudding with him. And with that, he left..


Once he separated from the traveler, he walked around Ritou. He asked some people about the Kaedehara descendant. Some of them knew more than the others, but one thing that they all mentioned the most was the incident in Tenshukaku. They all described it as 'frightening but monumental' and it really is a one of a kind incident.

He walked around some more when he saw a brown-haired woman with an eyepatch on her right eye. She doesn't look like she's from here but she looks knowledgeable enough, so he came up to her.

"You. Do you know something about the Kaedehara descendant?" he asked.

The woman looked up and down at the blue-haired boy in front of her. Then she looked at him dead in the eye(s).

"You don't look like you're from here kiddo. And you're running around asking about Kaedehara Kazuha?!" she exclaimed, then chuckled. Scaramouche raised his eyebrows emotionlessly. He thought that she was playing with him, telling him the Kaedehara descendant's first name just like that. Or maybe... not?

"I really don't have time for your games, just tell me where he is and then I'll just go."

"Oh my god, you really don't know him huh?!" the woman with an eyepatch said. She looked around at her stuff and then turned back at Scaramouche. "It looks like I'm done with my job. If you're really persistent then come with me, let's discuss it somewhere else."

to be continued...

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