˖°࿐ Chapter 2.2

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author's note
_im so sorry if the story looked so long-paced.. im trying to make their first meeting something memorable (and i hope it is ^^)
_merry late christmas and hope you all have a wonderful day!

"It looks like I'm done with arranging these. If you're really persistent then come with me." the brown-haired woman said. "Also just call me Beidou."

Scaramouche let out an 'mhm' and followed Beidou to a sitting place beside a food vendor. Both of them sat down and Beidou ordered some food. He stared into nothingness then looked down at the letter. He then pondered for a moment when he thought of something.

"Beidou, why don't you help me hand the letter to this Kazuha instead?" he asked, handing the letter to her.

Beidou looked up to him and laughed, refusing the offer. "What do you mean help you! If it's your letter then hand it to him yourself, I don't like to mess with Kazuha's own business either."

"..." Scaramouche rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. 'Of course no one wants to, they don't even know me' he thought.

The food came and Beidou checked it off, then she looked at Scaramouche and said, "I'll tell you a bit about him, while I eat obviously."

She settled down with her food and started talking, "Hm.. Kazuha.. Kazuha.."

"He's one brave boy but also an odd one. Ah, it's actually been a long time since we've first met. I figured that you've not known about the events that happened outside of Tenshukaku, since you're asking about him. That rascal literally blocked the Raiden Shogun's attack, BY HIMSELF! I wonder what went on his mind during that time."

Scaramouche furrowed his brows. 'Heh, he blocked the Shogun's attack?' he thought. Well, curiosity really killed the cat sometimes. He suddenly got interested in this subject, this.. Kazuha. He rested his head on his hand and asked Beidou, "So, what about this.. Kazuha..?"

"Oh you want to know more about him?"

"Well why not. Tell me about the events in Tenshukaku." he simply said.

Beidou looked up at him when he said that and gaped in disbelief. 'This boy, who's probably not from here, just asked about someone he doesn't know. And is now interested because of his rebellion?!' she thought, 'what a madlad!' But then again, the blue-haired boy in front of her also sounds similar to Kazuha. Youngsters nowadays really, they're all odd in one way or another.

"I wasn't really there when it happened so I don't know the details. And it won't be accurate if i told you myself. It's better that you ask the person itself," Beidou thought out loud. She thought a bit and continued, "Oh wait, there's this event happening in Chinju Forest and I think Kazuha is joining in on the event."

Beidou stood up and looked at Scaramouche. "Are you coming?" she asked.

"I need to give this letter to him so, yes of course..!"

The two of them began their short journey to Chinju Forest. They both sort of talked on the way, of course Beidou doing most of the talking while Scaramouche only replied mindlessly. And at some point, he thought of something. 'Who is she really? She knows a lot yet not much either. She's clearly not a local Inazuman but she knows her way around. What's her relation with Kazuha?'

"I was wondering, are you like.. Kazuha's mom??" he joked then chuckled.

But Beidou stopped in her tracks and blinked at him. 'A mom?!' she thought 'I'm probably just years older than him, are you joking?!' She sweatdropped.

"Ahah- Ahem, of course not. I just happened to be the one who took him in my crew. That's all!" she said, nervously.


"By the way, you haven't introduced yourself yet. What's your name?" Beidou asked back. But there was no reply from the boy beside her for quite a while. Scaramouche sighed and turned to look at Beidou. He finally replied, "That's none of your business."

"You don't look like you're from here."

"Again, that's none of your business." He rolled his eyes and continued under his breath, "Chinju Forest looks really different from what I remembered.."

The two of them finally reached Chinju Forest but it felt a lot gloomier than usual. And the place had an odd sense of silence. There were two shrine maidens waiting in front of the torii gate. Beidou went in the lead and greeted the shrine maidens. Scaramouche followed afterwards but he had goosebumps. Beidou on the other side looked just as good as ever though.

They ventured in and soon they saw some people there. Most notably Itto and the traveler with Paimon beside them. Beidou hurried to them, waving her hand. While Scaramouche walked slowly behind her.

"Well this is a surprise. Are you also joining the Test of Courage as well, Beidou?" Paimon asked. Beidou shook her head and brought Scaramouche in front of her. She replied to Paimon, "I met this little guy and he wants to meet with Kazuha!"

Paimon waved to Scaramouche and the traveler smiled at him, yet he acted as if he didn't see anything and kept up with his poker face. Paimon was obviously annoyed by this kind of silent treatment. Itto on the other hand observed the 'little guy' and wondered.

"This 'little guy' looks like from here but not here? You know what I mean right!" Itto exclaimed. The traveler just laughed and nodded. They added "Well technically s/n is from here... But I doubt anyone who knew him still remembers."

Scaramouche gave the 'just shut the fuck up' glare towards the traveler after their statement. But the traveler being themselves as usual, obviously did not give a fuck.

"Hey! So s/n, wanna join us scaring people away?" Itto happily invited Scaramouche, but he shook his head.

Beidou looked up and gaped. "Ah so that's his name!" she exclaimed then turned back to Scaramouche. "Nice to meet you then, s/n."

"Whatever. So where is this Kazuha guy?" Scaramouche asked Beidou.

The traveler giggled quietly and went back talking to Itto after giving a goodbye to the two of them. The atmosphere turned quiet once again. 

And so Scaramouche and Beidou start to walk deeper in Chinju Forest. And not a long while, they saw some more people around the place. And Beidou's eyes quickly spotted a young man with pale blond hair away from the others. He was playing with a leaf, blowing it. And it created a small tune that slowly attracted Scaramouche. At last, he also looked towards the young man who also lifted his head. Their eyes finally met, for the first time. A new face for both of them, and also a new start for Scaramouche..

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