c6 the beach part 2.

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Amber pov

As I sat against fire's chest I talked with the burns."so what is the family of heros doing here at the beach?"I asked as i motion them to sit down."we are just trying to take a day off when you get here?" Said/questioned chief burns. "maybe about 2 and a half hours ago we got here early." I replied back to him.

"Wow you really did get here early."Cody said in shock we were here so long."oh by the way burns I would like to ask you something sometime soon but not now because we are relaxing now."I told the burns to question them about there partners and cars hoping the rumors might be true so the bots aren't alone anymore.

"Ok we want to talk to you aswell when we have the chance." Replied chief burns. As we sat there in silence I felt a gaze keep looking at me."can I help you?"I asked heatwave as I catch him looking at me."

"No."he replied.

At that I got up and went to look for shells and hermitcrabs with skyler. "Yo sky look what I found."I said as I smirked at skyler."Uh oh" skyler said in response. "COME HERE YOU LITTLE GREEN EYED PUNK!!" I yelled out to skyler as I run at her with an eel in my hands."NOOOO!!" Yelled skyler as she ran away from me with the eel. Skyler hates anything slimey or that wiggles.

I can hear to burns laughing in the background while I run around chasing skyler with my eel. Finally after about 5 minutes of running we get tired and I let the poor eel go. I watch as it swims away before tackling skyler to the ground and into the water laughing.

After we stop laughing our butts of we get back up and continue our search for hermitcrabs. We search everywhere to see who can find more in ten minutes. We end up making a bet that the lower has to ride bloodstar when he wants to play. Let me tell you that is not a fun experience because he jumps, kicks, and does loops in the air at incredibly fast speeds where you want to throw up.

Once the ten minutes are up we head back to the edge of the shore to count our hermitcrabs. Sadly I lost with 15 while skyler had 17. After our contest we both went to do our own things again."Amber I am getting hungry. " said Allison as I turned to look at her.

"Alright let's go get something to eat then."I replied as I rub her little head. "GUYS WE ARE GOING TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT NOW!!" I called out to the team making all their heads look up at the thought of food.

479 words this one is short but It is also the part two of beach and it is 1:17 am right now😭😭. Love yall

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