Family Meeting

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Isabella: All my friends were going to school and I am not going to school at all because my Mom and Dad want me to stay home for a couple days or more than weeks or months. They call it like a family meeting to be exact. Everyone on my Mom's side is going to be at the house and they think that I should just stay in my bedroom with my Uncle Edward's and Aunt Mariah's son Damon so we were waiting for them all to come over. Me and Damon are most likely secretive bf and gf but nobody knows about it yet. I was sitting on the sofa drinking some soda and there were knocking on the door "Come in" I yelled still sitting on the sofa and put my drink onto the coffee table. My Mom and Dad were right at the door smiling it was my Uncle Edward, Aunt Mariah, and my bf Damon. "Hey we are going to be having a family meeting and if you two don't mind if Damon can go upstairs with Bella" said Aria "Oh that doesn't bother us sis" said Edward and sat down right next to me. "Hi Uncle Edward"I said "Hey Niece Bella" said Edward "I better get going" I said and my Uncle gave out a big sigh at me. Me and Damon went to the guest bedroom since after that sleepover last night I didn't have time to clean up my bedroom at all so we just went to one of the guest bedrooms.

Damon: I finally got to see my gf Bella but she didn't look that good today. "Bells what's wrong you look like you are sick" I said to Bella "I'm fine" said Bella "Are you sure that you are fine you look very pale and your lips are turning purple and blue"I said and Bella passed out on me "Dad!" I yelled his name and he came fast. "What happened to her Damon" said My Dad "Bella was very pale and her lips looked like they were purple and blue and then she passed out"I said and then Aunt Aria came in and told me to go downstairs right now and I did.

Edward: I heard Aria start to come in and she wasn't thinking straight she asked Damon to go downstairs right away and stay with his Mom while me and my sister tries to help my niece out. Bella's body was way too cold way colder than our skin feels and it is always cold but not that type of cold that Bella's body feels like. Aria bit her wrist and was trying to feed the venom into Bella's system and Bella started to wake up and gripped onto me and I could tell that Bella does take over Aria after all. I think that Bella should be in the family meetings now since she's a newbie at being a vampire no school for her until she gets used to it. Aria nodded her head and agreed with my thoughts. Bella wouldn't let loose of her strong grip just like her own Mother Aria. Aria had come over and unloosed Bella's strong grip away from me and put Bella to her bedroom. It turns out that Bella's room was a mess."Sorry if it's a mess she had a sleepover with her friends" said Aria "It's okay" I said and putted Bella down on the bed and putted the covers over my niece's body. "Dad can I make sure that Bella is okay" said Damon 'If it's okay with your Aunt Aria" I said to my son "It's okay you can watch her and make sure she doesn't get up for me please nephew" said Aria "Thank you Aunt Aria" said Damon.

Damon: I was sitting on the little purple seat that is right next to Bella's bed and I was watching Bella just to make sure that nothing is going wrong for her. My parents are vampires and so am I so and I know that my whole entire family are vampires but except for Bella she was the only person in the family to be human. I looked at Bella again and her eyes were red but not hazel/golden like the family I locked her bedroom door and I was showing her how to hunt for Animal blood so her eyes can go back to hazel/golden Bella's skin was way too much beautiful to let her go out of my sight. "Hey you" said Bella and I kissed her lips and put Bella on my back and told her to hold on to me and we were out of the window onto the ground going to the forest to hunt. "How do I do this Damon" said Bella and I grabbed Bella by the waist and I finally spoken "When the animal gets closer by you jump and attack the animal but to let you know deer is way better than any other animals in the forest" I said and Bella jumped on a mountain lion and drank the blood her eyes were turning straight to hazel/golden. "One more thing to show you what us Cullen vampires can do and I picked up Bella and took her by the forest with the sun shining past the leaves. "Our skin will glow when it's sunny outside and you will find out your vampire power soon enough" I said to my girlfriend. "What's your power" asked Bella "My power is to find love and way more" I said

Author's Note: Sorry if this was a really short part of the story. I'm trying to finish up the story/chapter and during school when I have enough time. Stay safe and have a nice day and this was updated on 12/14/22.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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