Chapter 10

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"Oh my god-"

She quickly takes out her phone and calls 911.

"I'm the nurse from Aldera Junior High and there is a student-"

The rest of her speech is muffled as they both stare at each other. Katsuki looks away in shame. He shakes.

This is all my fault...

"Come with me kid! And you,"

She looks at Katsuki, not really taking in his distort appearance.

"Head back to class, the bell is going to ring."

The nurse takes Izuku by the arm and Katsuki follows.


Izuku gives him a smile and he stops. The bell rings and Katsuki loses him in the crowd of students back to their classes. 

He goes to class, the realization sinking in more and more as he continues and sits at his desk. He stares at it blankly, feeling numb and empty. He hears them whisper. 

He isn't deaf, but he doubts that they don't care if he hears. It's as if they want him to hear, as if he doesn't feel guilty already. As if he needs more punishment.

"Did you get the nurse on time?"

"Of course, I did! That burn looked serious..."

"Its even more horrific since they looked like they were friends..."

"How could they be friends? Someone could never do that to a friend let alone a person."

"Such a villain..."

"Too bad. The other one almost made us feel bad about not giving him a chance then this happens."

"Do you think he'll hurt us?"

"Duh! Thats why we need to be careful."

"The burn is in the shape of his own hand, isn't that scary?"

"And he still has the kids' blood on his hand."

"I bet he likes it. Sick freak."

"He probably wanted to hurt him."

"Such a sicko."

"People like that are no good for society."

"You have to admit, his quirk is really good, but the way he's using it-"

"If they make a guy like that a hero, I'm totally not becoming one..."

"Like they'd make him a hero."

All of them are right. Every single one of them is right. He hurt him, even when he didn't mean to. 

He's always doing that. When he hit his leg with a bat and sprained it... and that was only weeks ago.

Now this. He's... Horrible. He doesn't deserve him. He's always so caring and thoughtful, but Katsuki is... He can't take it anymore.

He stands up, grabs his things and leaves. He runs all the way home, not wanting to do anything else but crawl into a ball in his bed for however long it takes for this feeling to go away.


"Can't you see? The world is a scary and dangerous place. If you stay here with me, you'll be safe."

Izuku stares at him, piercing his soul. Katsuki steps closer.

"Im only trying to protect you."

Izuku backs away, going even closer to the edge.

"Why are you so afraid of me? I won't hurt you, ever."

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