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"Hey gang!" Jimmy greeted his sister and her boyfriend (Joel), Scott was latching on his arm, a really tired look on his face, he kissed Jimmy on the cheek before falling asleep on his arm, Jimmy softly smiled and picked him up and set him down on the chair. Jimmy broke a sandwich in half and handed one half to his lover, Scott nodded a thanks and ate it, feeling his energy regain, "Scott, you alright bud?" Joel asked, Scott nodded and hugged Jimmy's arm, Jimmy kissed the top of Scott's head and smiled happily.

Jimmy rested his tail near Scott and brought him closer with his arm, Jimmy saw Wisp and Xornoth chatting nicely, Jimmy eyed Wisp and huffed, Scott seemed to notice and looked up at Jimmy, "Love, what's wrong?" Scott asked Jimmy curiously, "Wisp." Jimmy replied, casting a glance at the one with a blue mask. "What about him?" Scott asked, tilting his head to the side, "I still remember when you where so happy to meet him, why was that?" Jimmy asked Scott, careful with the choice of words.

"He's my cousin! He used to be in this school when I was in year three until he moved schools in year eight, which was sad," Scott responded, Jimmy tilted his head in confusion. Wisp looks nothing like Scott. . . "But doesn't Wisp have brown hair?" Scott held his laughter and Lizzie choked on her food, having Joel to pat her back, "What?" "Jimmy! I wasn't born with cyan hair! I dyed it to look like this!" Scott laughed. Jimmy blushed in embarrassment and turned to Lizzie, "So you dyed your hair when you were literally six!?" He exclaimed to Lizzie, she rolled her eyes and nodded.

"I'm a stupid man," Jimmy sighed, Scott wiped a tear from his eye while smiling and kissed Jimmy on the cheek, "You're my stupid man~" Scott giggled, Jimmy's tail wagged uncontrollably and he kissed Scott's cheek, "Flirt bomb," he huffed. Scott's tail wagged when Jimmy had kissed his cheek lovingly, "'Love you," Scott giggled, "I love you two," Jimmy chuckled,  he wrapped his tail around Scott's and sat closer to his boyfriend, "Can I visit you on Saturday or Sunday? If you're free?" "Of course!" Scott chuckled, Scott finished the sandwich and the four gossiped about anything they could find interesting.

The bell rang and every student went to their lockers to get heir bags, they headed off to the oval and dropped their bags on the chairs that were near the ovals grass, all had to do three laps of running and Scott groaned and cursed under his breath, after the amount of tiring laps, everyone got to drink some water. "Oh my god." Scott groaned when sitting next to Jimmy, "I hated that so much. . ." Scott groaned while rubbing his face tiredly, "Same," Jimmy panted, he wrapped his arm around Scott's waist and kissed his cheek.

"We're doing T-ball by the way," Scott bit his bottom lip and giggled while covering his mouth when Jimmy groaned really loudly, "You know I hate T-ball!" Jimmy huffed, crossing his arms, "I know love, don't worry I'll help you win, if we're on the same team," Jimmy smiled and hugged his lover with affection, "Plus, I can't assign what we do for sport!" Scott chuckled, the teacher assigned the groups and to Jimmy's luck they were on the same team.

After sports, Jimmy and Scott got their bags and headed to Scott's house, their hands graphing the other's tightly, Jimmy then suddenly picked up Scott in a bridal style earning a flustered face from the shorter boy, "H-Hey! Jimmy! Put me down!" Scott squealed, he squirmed in Jimmy's traps but slunk when he realised he couldn't escape Jimmy's strong grip.

Scott felt himself have a heat and Jimmy clearly smelled it, "Love, are you in heat even though you're pregnant?" "Mhm," Scott pressed his nose against Jimmy's chest, "We'll deal with it when we get to your house~" Jimmy whispered lustfully to Scott, making the pregnant boy giggle. "Will it hurt the baby though?" Jimmy asked his boyfriend, "No, it won't~" Scott giggled, kissing Jimmy's neck.

When they entered Scott's house, Jimmy rushed Scott to his room and pushed him against Scott's bed, he nipped Scott's neck softly and shuffled back and unbuckled Scott's belt and pulled his pants down, "Love, are you horny?" Scott asked Jimmy in a soft voice, Jimmy nodded and pressed his nose against Scott's vagina making the omega moan loudly with lust. Jimmy pulled Scott's underwear off and licked in between his flaps, "JIMMY!~" Scott moaned loudly, he trembled with lust and Jimmy's saliva lubricated his hole, Jimmy licked Scott's hole and inserted his tongue in his hole.

Jimmy unbuckled his belt and threw his pants and boxers aside, Scott moaned and trembled when feeling the tip of Jimmy's penis touch his hole, he grabbed his pillow and hugged it tightly, Jimmy hugged Scott when he pushed his dick in his hole, "J-Jimmy! Oh my goodness fuck me!~" Scott moaned loudly, he whimpered when feeling Jimmy bite his neck, Jimmy thrusted slowly making Scott moan with pleasure, Jimmy thrusted slightly faster and quickly removed his penis from Scott's hole and his semen just bubbled from his penis, only staining his entrance.

The two panted with lust and Jimmy kissed Scott's neck with love, "I love you so much~" Jimmy whispered to Scott's ear, "Me to big puppy~" Scott whimpered and shuffled when Jimmy's skin was lightly brushing his, Scott shakily got up and lightly grasped Jimmy's wrist and went to his bathtub, he filled it up and the two hopped in.

They washed together and Scott sat on Jimmy's lap, he got Jimmy's tail and got some soap on his hand and gently washed Jimmy's tail, he kneeled slightly and washed Jimmy's ears and then later sat on Jimmy's lap again while Jimmy was doing the same to his ears and tail. Jimmy then hopped out and so did Scott, Jimmy got one of Scott's big towels and rapped it around both of them, Jimmy gently rested his hands on Scott's stomach making the shorter giggle, then the two changed into their PJ's (Jimmy had to borrow some from Scott) and slept in Scott's bed, truely defeated and ready for the weekend. . .


Words: 1060

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