Musically inclined

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You've been diving pretty deep into your studies, you don't do it on purpose but you tend to isolate yourself a lot. You've been living in your apartment for a little over a year by now and while you're used to the quiet- you usually feel the need to fill the silence. Recently, you've been playing a playlist that Donnie made for you two to collaborate. You added your half and he added his, nowadays you spend your days listening to music that ranges from soft jazz to electric and fuzzy music. Your relationship with the turtles is very friendly. You've gotten quite close to Donatello and while you weren't exactly touchy with him, you spent a lot of quality time together. You just seemed to fill each other's silence better than anyone. You've been a part of their lives for about a year. See, when you moved into this apartment you found yourself directly on top of the turtle's lair. Your friends were literally right out your window, it was impossible to avoid them. Through your friendship with April and your street smarts you found yourself fitting in just fine with the lot.


As you turn over to your right, your eyes meet the digital clock that's reading 4:00 AM. You rub your eyes and realize your eyes were totally tearing up from being awake for over twenty hours. You take a look at your phone and realize Donatello's been messaging you.

2:00 PM |Donnie Don: Hello, can I go over to you?

3:22 PM |Donnie Don: Hellooo? did you die?

4:09 PM |Donnie Don: okay please don't tell me you died. That'd be quite inconvenient for me.

3:58 AM |Donnie Don: I'm heading over there now, if you're not home I'm gonna use your card to order pizza. I have a feeling you're still awake.

That last message seemed to be sent a moment ago. You turned to the doorway of your bedroom and realize you left all your lights on. You squint as you feel your eyes burn. You hear a knock on your living room window, You sluggishly get up and take your headphones off. You walk to the living room and open the curtains to be greeted by Donatello himself.

"Hello!" He waves to you. "Still awake huh? I figured you'd be up late tonight." He helped you open the window up noting that your strength isn't usually this low.

"Hey Don" You move out of the way to let him into your apartment. "Sorry for the mess I've been studying all day."

You go to lean onto the couch but feel yourself slip. "Woah!" Donnie exclaims, using his extension limbs from his battle shell to catch you. "What is wrong with you?" He pulls you close to him and he starts to examine your head.

Donnie used his actual arm to place a hand on your forehead. "You don't seem feverish." He takes a closer look at you and frowns. "When did you sleep?"

"Wha..?" You blurt out, you haven't been able to focus on anything Donnie's been saying. "Sorry Don, I'm just not feeling well.." You were quite delirious, to say the least.

"What have you been studying for..?" Donnie asks, grabbing your arm and helping you into the bedroom.

"I've been studying for my psychology final.." You pause for a moment looking at the desk that Donatello made you walk past for you to be placed onto your bed. "It's not hard I just love psychology and-"

"Yes.. yes I'm aware" he let out a huff and a smile seemed to break out from his lips.

"I love the science behind it specifically, why do we feel what we feel?" You mumbled to him, upkeeping eye contact, something you'd never do otherwise.

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