Only for you

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Donatello finally got the guts to ask you out last week. You had known each other, including his brothers, for about a year. You had been dying to go on a date with him but he's been highly nervous around you since he asked you out, thankfully, Leonardo finally gave him some confidence, along with emotional advice from Michaelangelo and Raphael. He asked you for a movie date at the lair inside his lab. You've been in his lab a million times and wondered what he would do to add more space to it.

Finally, the night of the date comes along. Donatello did tell you to dress comfortably as it was going to be at home, he told you to come around whenever you pleased after the sun went down. You waited anxiously for the sun to go down and the moment it was dark out you ran to the lair entrance. You wore something nice, yet comfortable, following Donatello's recommendation.

Finally, you reached the entrance to the lair. You climbed down and were met by Michaelangelo and Leonardo dressed up in suits.

"Good evening" Leonardo bows to you, Michaelangelo tapped him frantically.

"I thought we said we'd do it at the same time" Michaelangelo spoke, gritting his teeth.

Leonardo smirked and locked your arm with his, followed by Michaelangelo hurriedly trying to catch up to Leonardo, also locking his arm with yours. They lead you toward what you assume is Donatello's laboratory, as you take a look around you realize that the lair is very dark and the only lighting is some candles that line a purple carpet to the laboratory.

As you approach the entrance of the laboratory, you find yourself greeted by Raphael who is acting as a bouncer for the laboratory. He was wearing a suit similar to the ones the two competitors were. He stepped out of the way and revealed a purple and velvet rope as if the laboratory was a VIP event, Raphael began to open the door and take the rope off of the hook, insinuating for you to go inside. Leonardo and Michaelangelo gave each other a knowing look before letting you go and bowing to you.

"You guys are such dorks, thank you" You blew a kiss to all three of the turtles and made your way inside the laboratory, the door closing behind you. You took a look around and it was pretty dimly lit, your eyes dart towards a light purple spotlight meeting Donatello. You snicker, thinking about how much of a geek he is.

"Hello, dear" He exclaims, walking towards you with the beautiful spotlight following him. You smile, noting the charmed silk in his left hand, he was wearing a suit but he lacked the bow tie, odd.

As he got closer he extended his arm, leading you to the middle of the room. Suddenly, the ground under you began to rise to a second floor. As the floor evened out, the lights came on and dimmed slowly, revealing a large screen and fairy lights, a small room that resembled the gaming room, yet, more Donatello-like. Your eyes widened at the CDs set up in alphabetical order on the coffee table as your nerd would of course.

"When did you-" You were quickly cut off by Donatello.

"Make all this? Well, this hideout has been here for an unfathomable amount of time, but I transformed it for this... special event." He snickered, smiling all proud of himself.

You lean forward and take a peak at the movies, realizing they're movies from the Jupiter Jim saga and some cute romance movies that you had mentioned to him before.

"Did you pick these for me?" You held up one of your favorites, your eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I actually take mental note of things you mention! HA!" He closed his eyes briefly, boasting before opening them again to see you smiling at him sweetly, Donatello felt his cheeks burn and his stomach twirl into a knot. "You- You know! ha- we can watch whatever you want my dear." He brushed his own shoulder, stammering.

You sat down on the main couch, facing the television. You noted the snacks lined up on the side table, your favorite chocolates, and soda. He added water bottles as well, you smiled and then felt the weight of the couch shift as he took a seat next to you.

"Watch this" He smirked. As you watched him click a button as the middle of the coffee table lowered and came back up with flowers, your favorite flowers.

You immediately gasped and turned to Donatello, giving him a hug. "You're the most thoughtful guy ever!" You felt him hesitate before he buried himself in the crook of your neck, hugging you tightly.

"I'm glad you're enjoying our evening." He pulled away from you, flashing a smile your way.

Donatello held onto your hand, reaching into his pocket. "Do you know how to tie a bowtie?"

You tilted your head, confused. "I have tied it on you before haven't I?" You laughed . "Of course I do!"

He handed you the tie and scooted closer to you, letting you tie it for him. After tying it gently he tapped the charm in the middle of the tie, and suddenly Donatello transformed into a human. Your eyes widened and you let out a huge gasp.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?" You cupped his face, feeling your own flush.

Donatello's hair was in locs, his skin fell into a beautiful brown color and his shell seemingly vanished. His blazer suddenly became loose, you noted him finally being able to button it up with ease.

Donatello gave you a smile. "Sunita, April's friend, let me borrow it to erm- study it." He chuckled before bringing your hands into his. "I wanted to be a version you could present to your guardians!"

You smiled. "You can just say parents, love" You placed your hand on his cheek and came closer to successfully plant a kiss on it.

Donatello's face filled with a reddish tint, one you could finally see clearly. Donatello leaned forward and stole a kiss from you, you felt your heart spring up your chest. He pulled apart from you and smiled.

"Onto what I was saying, let's pick a movie shall we?" Donatello picked up your favorite film and held it up to you.

"Y'know Donnie.." You leaned forward, untying his bowtie. "Just so you're aware, it does not matter what form you take." You wrapped your arms around his neck. "You'll always be my genius, dork." You chuckled, noting him fumbling with his hands and nearly dropping the CD.

Once the charm was in your hands, Donatello faded back into his usual turtle self. "You're wonderful" He muttered under his breath, bringing you into a hug with glossy eyes.

"You did so much for me, you went all out!" You pulled from him, staying within his embrace, facing him. You took a look around you, noting the fairy lights around the two of you. "You're the sweetest." You blinked away some tears that were forming, hoping Donatello wouldn't notice.

"I would do it all over again" He got up and put the CD in, letting the movie play. "Only for you, dear" He laughed, sitting back down close to you and putting an arm around you. He leaned his head back, feeling his heart rate speed up at your touch.

You watched the movie intensely, you've watched this movie three million times but couldn't help but feel excited watching it all over again! You took a glance at Donatello who was fiddling with his free arm, watching the movie. You held onto his hand and began to fiddle with his fingers enjoying the alone time you had with your significant other, he leaned forward, smiling sweetly at your quirk.

Around the end of the movie, he had been leaning his head on yours for a little while, making small comments about the movie not being "technically" right about random science facts. Once the credits started to roll you took a look at Donatello through the screen and saw him sleeping soundly on you. You snickered at how adorable he looked with his face squished against you, you lightly tapped him, despite it hurting to move him, so his neck wouldn't hurt later.

"hm.. wuh-" He buried himself into you for a moment before lifting his head up and seeing the movie's credits. "Did I fall 'sleep?" He muttered, rubbing his eye,

"Yes, but don't worry!" You cupped his cheek and rubbed your thumb against it. "You stayed up for the best parts" You smiled, kissing his cheek gently.

"Mm.." He sat up, holding your hand. "Can you stay over..?"

"Yes, dear" You snickered, taking his goggles off his head and planting a kiss on his forehead.

Fin :D <3

Donnie gift giving + extravagant dates as a love language<33

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