Painting problems

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You woke up at 9 AM one morning to a bunch of frantic texts from none other than your favorite turtle. You rubbed your eyes and unlocked your phone to answer.


8:52 AM | Donnie: Hello good morning I really need your help!

8:53 AM | Donnie: Okay so slight emergency and I don't know who else to reach out to please come to help me.

8:55 AM | Donnie: I'm sorry I bet you're tired I just really need help right now!


You call him to tell him you're on the way, however, you find yourself stunned to hear him almost crying. You brush it off quickly considering it may have been his morning voice or something along those lines. You quickly run to the entrance of the lair a few blocks down and climb into the lair. When you arrive you are met with Leonardo and Michaelangelo quieter than usual. 

"What's going on?" You attempt to catch your breath.

"He's in his room, go ahead." Leonardo stood up and stepped closer to Michaelangelo who was curled up. 

Your heart begins to thump in your ears, presuming the worst. You approach his room and find him without a battle shell on, you tilt your head at the sight, confused. As you get close you learn that he seems to have painted on his shell and your shoulders drop in relief. 

"Don?" You slowly approach him, seeing the marks on his shell from scraped paint.

"Hey." He speaks frailty, sniffling.

"Hey, Donnie what happened?" You sat down next to him.

"Mikey was having a difficult time sleeping last night so I tried to make it better" He clenched his arm.

"You let him paint on your shell..?" You questioned.

"Yes.." He put his knees down, turned to you, and crossed his legs.

"What have you done to try to remove it?" You carefully put out your hand offering for him to squeeze it.

"Scraping.." He flinched at the memory but clutched your hand and squeezed it.

"I think I can help with this!" You gently put his hand down and ran to the kitchen grabbing vegetable oil and running back to him, getting looks from Leonardo and Michaelangelo.

"Okay! this may feel weird but trust me on this." Donnie darted at you and defeatedly spun around.

You began to pour some oil onto his shell and carefully massage it. You picked up some tissues from Donatello's bedside table and used them to gently clean the paint off, to your surprise the paint began to come off rather fast. You smiled and took a picture and leaned over Donatello's shoulders to hand it to him.

"How- How did you do that?!" He rejoiced, brushing tears away.

"I'm quite the genius myself Dorkatello" You let a chuckle escape your lips.

Before you knew it, Donatello was folding your arms to your chest, wrapping his arms around you, dreading letting you touch his shell any further.

"You don't know how awful that felt." He jolted.

"You knew it would suck didn't you?" You pulled away from him, raising a brow.

He looked down at you. "Scoff. I simply overlooked the consequences okay?" He puffed.

You smiled, knowing him overly well. "You never overlook." You got closer to him, sneering. You were fully aware that you were right. "You did it for him, didn't ya?" You chuckled.

"Oh god no! I would...n't.." He looked to the side, dodging your eyes.

"You know he's worried for you right?" As the words left your mouth, Donatello's face sank.

You motioned to the middle of the lair and watched as he quickly left his room and approached Michaelangelo. Leonardo backed away from them, leaving the two turtles alone to talk, Leonardo approached you and leaned against the wall next to you.

"They're idiots aren't they?" He leaned his head to you.

"Yeah but they love each other." You smirked. "They're both sweethearts, just different types of people." 

"I'm surprised Donnie let you in." Leonardo shrugged.

"I'm surprised too, guess we've warmed up to one another." You found yourself smiling, gazing at Donatello across the lair from you.

"He's not one to do that, take the hint." Leonardo winked at you, walking away to his room.

"Wha..? wait-" You observed as he hushed you with his hand and left you alone in the hall. You rolled your eyes only for them to land on Donatello once again, he was smiling at his younger brother who had clearly already moved on from their dispute. You felt your face flush with a courteous blush, you blink and face the ground. 

You like him, that's a given.

Fin :)

If you'd like a part two, do let me know :)

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