Chapter 1

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Prototype POV

I feel like I'm floating

There is something attached to my face providing air, but I feel liquid all around me

Hoses attached in various places all around me

Harnesses suspending me

It stings when I open my eyes, but when I open them a bit I can see...

Shadows, the dark shadows of people... I think people... Moving around

One day, I think day, I could see the shadows of people moving around, near control panels. I could hear muffled voices

???: Inject-- specimen samples*incomprehensible*

Maybe they were good? Maybe they were nice?

They all seem to watch me, I felt something coming through the tubes


That's the first feeling I truly remember

I felt burning twisting through my veins, my heart, my muscles. Through everything.

My muscles begin to rip apart and heal themselves back together, at least that's what it feels like

I felt things begin to snap and disconnect from inside the tube.

I could feel my body slamming back and forward against the glass

My mouth and eyes snapped open, I saw people rushing around and heard muffled voices, shouting commands

I remember the first noises I ever made


Recording feed start

Dr Ana POV

I buzzed myself into the high security lab after passing through multiple checkpoints of security

Ava: and, early today. That's good

As I entered the main lab area, I saw the specimen tube was more brightly lit than usual

As I entered the main lab area, I saw the specimen tube was more brightly lit than usual

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Ava: oh, I didn't think that we would be starting this early on 3094s creation

Just then the head doctor appeared behind me

Kalington: Well, his intubation reactions skyrocketed to ideal levels practically overnight, it is unusual. But not unwelcome

I looked over as several men in hazard suits Carried racks if blood samples over, around 14 in total

Kalington: Most of the blood samples are from Zaktro Squadron, they have all been modified to try and create the perfect specimen

Ava: Yes, I worked with 0215 through to 0217 on acquiring them

The men in hazard suits all stepped back after depositing the blood samples into a machine, which emptied them into a container and began mixing them

Ava: Adding in some mixers to improve the formula.

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