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Loading Report from Dr [REDACTED]



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Greetings everyone. This is an offical report on Subject 3094. As well as the recent debate focusing around it.

We will start with his backstory

On the date of 10/01/20## A experimental procedure designated Experiment-Lambda was done on a genetically created subject. This differed from all previous experiments which had been done specifically on undeveloped young of different species. The procedure turned out to be a pivotal success as a fully customisable body was created out of it. The result of the procedure, Hereby designated Subject-3094 resembled a young human male. Standard procedure was followed as the subject was placed into full incubation in a secure wing.
Some of you may have seen it during its incubation and while it had some skills genetically added into its mindset.

On the date of ##/##/## a full implantation experiment was started. Several splices of DNA were extracted from the members of Zaktro Squadron and were set to be implanted within the Subject. However a few minutes after all the DNA Splices entered Subject 3094s Body it proceded to go into a violent reaction, with its body thrashing around and even dislodging the oxygen mask from its face. This caused damage to the tank itself
Emergency Procedures were started and the incubation tank was rapidly drained and the bindings recoiled. The subject fell onto its hands and knees, violently coughing and spitting out water.
All personel on scene, against standard safety protocols, approached the subject. After a few seconds Subject 3094 launched itself at Dr Colington, a Level 4 Hazardous Materials and specimin Handler, or a "Haz-Matter" and proceded to {EXPUNGED DUE TO GORE} him, leaving him in critical condition. Several hours after he unfortunatly passed away in the Intensive Care Unit. A suitable cover story has been made and sent to his family. The story entailed [REDACTED]

Seconds after the Subject had finished its attack on the previously mentioned doctor it stood up, likely to attack more personell. However standard Security Units were able to fully sedate it with the use of 4 Long-Reach Stun weapons, specifically designed for situations such as this one.
During the emergency several researchers noted how it appeared that Subject 3094 was about to transform. This will be expanded upon later.

Now, Standard protocol would involve immediate termination of the subject due to its extreme hostility. However due to the amount of money spent in this project that decision was removed from consideration, with more steps being taken to ensure there would not be a repeat.

Several hours later an emergency experiment was organised to observe what type of sedative would best work on Subject 3094. Testing revelealed that KZA-113 type sedative had almost immediate and effective reactions. After which several Type-1 Reaction devices were set to full power and used to agitate Subject 3094 into a transformation.

This proved successful as after aproxamitly 2 minutes a transformation occured. Subjected 3094 transformed into a [REDACTED], Hereby Designated 3094-B

It was able to break the restraints holding it down and made its way onto its feet.
It reacted violently as it tore apart all the Reaction Devices, which was a suspected outcome. It then made its way back over to the bed after which it picked it up and proceded to hurl it at the observation widow, clearly in an attempt to hit me.

Thinking fast I activated the emergency armoured window plating and the sedative gas.
It worked fast in subduing 3094-B causing it to collapse.

After that Subject 3094-B was moved to a high security monitoring area. Due to the fact that it has demonstrated itself to be dangerous, I am reccomending the placement of Parik-Squad in base due to their speciality being to sedate High-Danger threats.

Signed, Dr-[REDACTED]

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