Chapter 3

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Dr Ava POV

I was working on yet another high clearence project. It was a mix of DNA from more, co-operative, squadrons. Hopefully it could render Subject 3094-A, more co-operative with his orders.

It was nice and peaceful in my lab for once, my team had went home, and the shit that had evolved from the.... events as of late was calmed down.... at least it was calm here.

I set the final few samples to validate, while moving the acceptable ones into the fridge so they would remain useable

Loading the few failed ones into a sample tray I picked it up and began to head towards the incinerator,

While pushing the door to my lab  open and heading out into the corridor. I noticed something a bit unusal

4 of our Anthropomorphic, or furrys as some called them, Soldiers marched past with theair weapons holstered. They were lead by a feline in blact armour wearing a gas mask, and most noteably red eyes. There was also a taller shark whos tailed swished to and fro while he walked. A fox was present in the group ass well, though they had nothing on their face as well as having  a fluffy tail. the 4th animal was a Kangaroo wearing some sunglasses

They did not pay me any attention as they marched past with their boots thudding in almost perfect unison. They pushed through a security checkpoint and walked into the the high security monitoring area

Ava: Huh, usually they just have regular human guards. Guess they reguard 3094 as enough of a potential; threat to have a specialised security squad there

I shrugged at it, whatever it was I would just read the update log about it

I walked into the main sector of the lab, before pushing through a glass door and walking into a room with several pipes lining the walls. I walked over to the far corner of the room , while slipping on a heat resistant glove.

Marching over to the sliding metal hatch I pulled it open, turning my head as a small wave of heat came out. I removed all of the glass tubes, just casually throwing them down onto the bottom bit of the watch, no need for neatness. They are just going to fall down into the firepit when im done

After just throwing them on in I closed the metal hatch, and lsitened to the clanking of glass against metal as the tubes all fell down the pipe.

Removing the glove and placing it back on the table I exited the disposal room and made my way back to my lab.

Trotting back over to the validators I saw that, to my happiness, all the samples had successfully validated. I moved them into the fridge as well so I could get  the mixer ready

Pulling out  the large metal rectangle with bits all around it I plugged it in to the wall sockets,

The screen flicked to life as I selected the option to mix several samples for 10 minutes

After getting it all ready and waiting I returned to the fridge and aquired all the samples,

I went over to the mixer and slotted all the glass test tubes in and pressed the start button

A whirring emitted from the machine as it sucked in all the samples and started to mix them

I decided to go on lunch while it did that, grabbing my keys and walking forwards.

Pushing open the door and locking it behind me, I made my way up to the canteen bit in the high security area.

I waved at Redworth as we walked in together

Ava: Hey Joe. Good to see ya

Joe: Heh, good to see you as well Ava.

Ava: So what are you going to get? *I bugged him*

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