Chapter 2

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Dr Ava POV

I was sitting in my office, typing up a report on the 3094 inciden.

Ava: Hmm... Thankfully one one person was killed, though the subject had a suprising amount of strength for someone who had just been in a sedated state

Ava: And to think they rejected my proposal to inject a sedative at the same time to prevent any potential incident like this. Idiots refused though

I finally finished up the report and submited it to the higher ups

Ava: Now for the fun bit

I began my walk to the high security sector of the facility, After passing through several checkpoints and showing my ID many times, I finnaly pused through the solid door and entered the viewing room

I looked through some reinforced glass, several inches of it infact

Looking down into the steel plated roomI saw the subject in question, layed out on a bed with several machines

Ava: Do we really have to keep it in such high security? I mean, I get that it is dangerous... but this seems like more than a little bit of overkill

Kalington: It was the easiest room to get all the medical equipment supplied to

Ava: Mh, fair enough. So what is on the agenda today?

Kalington: Well, we are going to try and establish more control measures in the subject, then we can maybe try to see what it was about to transform into

Dr Redworth suddenly spoke up

Redworth: Hmm... I raise some concerns about that experiment, even with the security heightened the transformation could potentially cause irrepairable damage to one or both the subjects

He spoke with some concern, but Kalington quickly dismissed him

Kalington: As stated before Red, we are also using this time to monitor his body functions and see what they react to

Ava: I'm going to be overseeing the starting of a machine to test which of our sedators works best on it

Kalington: You can get to work on that now

Ava: Right Away Ma'm

Dr Kalington POV

I watched as Dr Ava went into the storage room with her small team of researchers. They collected all their needed equipment and began to make their way towards the heavilt guarded and protected enterance

Kalington: There is something up with this subject. It's immediate hostility is.... concerning to say the least. Haven't seen such hostility since...

Memories of a certian breach flashed back into my mind... Seeing the creature tear through multiple security guards like they just weren't there, turning their bodies into bloodied chunks, tearing the armour open and ripping them into pieces of scrap metal...

I shuddered remembering how I cowered in that corner... watching the poor scientists get torn apart...

Of course, security had been majorly improved since then... breeches like that grow less and less likely with each passing invention and creation

Kalington: Hm, actually now is not the time

I peered through the armoured glass as Ava and her team entered through a small armoured door. They wheeled some machines and canisters behind them

Kalington: She is a smart girl. Knows her stuff, her team is good too

I went back and sat back down in my chair. I started reading the report that Dr Ava had made

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