Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling staring back at me. I tried to gather my surroundings. Pink room, still lying in the bed. My feet were bare and I was still in the dress from last night, only the hem was torn. Tears pricked my eyes and as my mind finally cleared from the groggy sleep I felt the pain and knew what must have happened to me. I was glad I was drugged for it, but I wouldn't be that lucky every time. My throat was raw and my eyes were sore. My whole body ached and I wasn't completely sure if I would be able to get up, but I was no longer tied or gagged, so I tried it.

    I slowly moved into a sitting position and slung my legs over the edge of the bed. My head continued to pound and I felt the immense weight of gravity upon me. I felt incredibly weak. Am I even allowed to get up? I wondered. I wasn't chained to the bed and there was a glass of water sitting on the night stand. I took that as an okay to try. 

When I stood up my legs felt like jello and I could feel the burning sensation between my legs. I took a sip of the water not caring if it was tainted. I welcomed being drugged at this point. I put the glass down and looked around the room. Out of curiosity I opened the drawer to the bedside table. Empty. I kind of half hoped there would be a Bible or something in it, like in the hotels. But I suppose it wouldn't do me any good now. If there had been a God he would have already saved me when I asked him to. 

I walked across the room to the vanity and saw several beauty items. Perfume, makeup, a hairbrush, hairspray. I walked over to a door that I assumed to be a closet. When I opened it, it was completely stocked. How would he know what size of clothes I need? I wondered. I leafed through them and saw they were all beautiful. There was everything from every-day outfits to elegant gowns. What is this place? Why are all of these things here? Shouldn't I be in a dirty cellar somewhere wasting away?

    I shut the closet and continued snooping. I saw another door to the left of the closet door. I walked over to it and opened it. Before me was a bathroom. It was clean and honestly looked inviting. I walked inside to examine. I wanted nothing more than to scrub that stupid man's DNA off of me. I opened a cupboard and saw plush towels. I pulled one out. There was a bath mat on the floor in front of the tub. It was stocked with soaps, but no razor. I supposed that was a precaution. But why allow mirrors, hairspray, and the rest? I didn't care if I was supposed to or not, but I turned on the shower and enveloped myself in the steam.

By the time I had gotten out of the shower and chosen an outfit to wear there were still no signs of anyone coming after me. There were no clocks in the room so I had no idea what time it was. I took a deep breath. Veera, I said to myself. You need to get up the courage to leave. After pacing the room for a few minutes I finally made my way over to the door. I pressed my ear up against it to try and listen for noise.


I slowly turned the handle, glad when it didn't make any noise. I  gently opened the door, praying it wouldn't squeak. When it didn't a rush of relief hit me. I carefully stepped into the hallway and shut the door behind me, surprised it was even unlocked. Was this guy careless? 

I was in a hallway. The walls were white and the trim along the ceiling and floors were maple wood. The floor was a soft blue carpet. Left or Right? I decided Right.

    I walked down the short hallway noticing how bare it was. The hallway took me left and I followed the path as I saw it came to a set of stairs. I walked up the short flight of stairs  and braced myself in case my captor was there waiting for me. When I reached the top of the stairs I found I was alone. 

A moderate sized room was before me. Part of it was a kitchen/bar and the other part was a living room setting. I saw a curtain hiding a door on the right side of the room and walked over to it. I pulled back the curtain carefully and didn't see anyone coming. I was confused by what I saw, and wasn't sure if what I was seeing was correct. The door was a sliding glass door, so I slid it open and stepped outside onto the deck. I made my way to the wall in front of me that came about to my chest. When I peered over the edge I saw the ocean and I knew my original thoughts were correct. I was on a boat. I looked to the left and right to try and gauge how big it was. It was either a decently sized yacht or a small ship. 

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching and felt a presence behind me. I turned to face my captor. "As I said before, scream all you want; because I'm the only one that will hear you." he said to me with a wicked grin. "Well, me and my men" he snarled. What men does he keep referring to? I had seen no one else. 

"Come," he beckoned me. "We have much to discuss". 

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