Chapter 10: It Was Nice.

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"Shh!" Grace hushed.

"I didn't mean to step on it! It's dark." I said defending myself.

"Okay, I'm here." I text Spencer.

"What took you guys so long?" I heard from behind me.

"Ahh!" screamed Grace and I in unison. We both turned around quickly.

"Spencer!" I exclaimed. "How long have you been there?" I asked astonished.

"Long enough." he said laughing. I eyed him warily. He stepped into the porch light in time for me to see him roll his eyes. "I could hear you guys coming." he said.

"I told you to be more quiet." Grace scolded me. She was still upset about being scared.

"By the way," said Spencer. "So far you don't have a very good track record of convincing me that you aren't scared of anything." He smirked.

"You didn't scare me." I lied. "You just surprised me." I said.

"I see," said Spencer. "Then I'm sure you'll have no problem with what I have in store for you two." he said smirking.

"Of course not." I stated. What are you getting yourself into? I wondered.

"Great! Then follow me." said Spencer. I looked over at Grace, she smiled and nodded. I'm kind of glad she's okay with all of this. I want to keep getting to know Spencer; But then again, I kind of wanted her to chicken out, just so I would have an excuse not to follow him. I don't know why, other than the fact that I'm not used to being around guys. Being around Spencer just confuses me.

"So, where are we going?" I asked after a few minutes had passed. There's a thicket of trees behind Spencer's house. I'm not sure how far they go on, but he lives in town so I'm guessing not that much longer. Then again, maybe his family owns a lot of land. In that case, these trees will be going on for awhile. I was just happy he actually invited us over to where he lives. I'm finally learning something about him. 

"It's a surprise." he said. I could here the excitement in his voice.

"Isn't it always with you?" I muttered to myself. Grace giggled. She must have heard me. I looked up to see her moonlit face and couldn't help but smile back at her.

"I don't know what you guys are giggling about, but we're here."

"It's about time." I complained.

"It wasn't that bad." said Grace laughing at me.

"It is if you're me." I argued with her.

"Okay, true." she agreed with me. "Maybe hanging out with Spencer will finally get you into shape" she laughed elbowing me. I ignored her comment and rolled my eyes knowing she probably wouldn't see in the dark. I followed Spencer up the rest of the hill until I was at the top. At first I couldn't really see anything, but once I pushed past a few branches I saw why he brought us here.

"It's beautiful here." I said amazed. "I had no idea this was even here."

"Most people don't" replied Spencer. Apparently this land was abandoned before my family moved to town. 

"Let's go explore!" cried Grace. She grabbed my hand and I walked further out into the clearing. The grass was tall and waving in the wind. The moon kind of made it look like water.

"Be careful, there are ledges and a pond not too far ahead." warned Spencer.

"Maybe we can come back during the day." I suggested. I'm sure it would be more beautiful if I knew I wasn't about to die if I took the wrong step.

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