Chapter 21

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It wasn't long before a member of the medical staff entered the room again. I looked over at her expectantly and she sighed. She gave me a small smile and introduced herself as Dr. Beck.  She was petite and had beautiful Indian skin and black hair. She explained to me what a rape kit was and what she was going to have to do to collect needed evidence for the FBI to confirm Alex had done to me what I said he had done. I felt sick. As if it wasn't obvious enough from the situation I was in. I thought bitterly. 

I was alone in the room, waiting for Dr. Beck or an FBI agent to come back. Eventually some medical staff did come back and they placed me in the wheelchair again. I was taken out to a helicopter where I would be flown to the nearest hospital. It turns out I had been several hours south of home. The nearest city hospital they took me to was still five hours from my parents'house. 

When I arrived at the hospital they examined me thoroughly, took blood, hooked me up to more IV's to give me antibiotics and nutrients, they took xrays, did a CAT scan and an MRI. The agony of waiting was near unbearable. I was so close to seeing my parents and Grace again, I was technically safe, now, but I still wasn't home. In a way I was almost glad for the time to transition, though. As eager as I was to be reunited with my family I was also hesitant because I knew how they would look at me. Everyone back home knew what had happened to me and I would be the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. I wasn't looking forward to that part. 

"Okay. Sorry that took so long, but we worked as fast as the tests would allow us to." The doctor explained as he walked back into the room. This one was an older man, nearly bald. I couldn't believe he hadn't retired yet by the looks of him. 

I nodded and waited while he turned on the light board and clipped up images of my knee and skull. 

"Do you see these?" he asked pointing to a line on my knee-cap and similar lines on my skull. 

"Yeah?" I replied with my tone going up into a question.

"Those are hairline fractures. It's basically a tiny crack on your bone's surface. They take about six to eight weeks to heal. There's nothing we can do about the one's on the skull. They'll heal on their own in time. As for your knee, we'll need to put it in a splint for now." he explained. He then opened up the folder and explained the rest of my results to me. "You're not pregnant, you don't have any STI's, but you do have some vaginal tearing that will need to be stitched up. You're underweight, dehydrated, and you've clearly suffered at least one concussion." he finished.

I was relieved that disgusting, sorry excuse of a person hadn't given me any diseases or gotten me pregnant. I was just ready to get everything over with. The FBI should be happy there was plenty of medical evidence I had been assaulted. There was no way Alexander was getting away with this. 

"A female nurse is going to come in soon to stitch you up, dear. And your parents are on the way. This will all be over soon." he tried to reassure me kindly. 

Two Nurses came in afterwards and stitched me, they placed my knee in a splnt, they changed my IV bag, and asked if there was anything else I needed. I could feel their pity, but it wasn't unwelcomed. I needed all the sympathy I could get. 

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