Chapter 19

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I opened my eyes. It was mostly dark, some light from the hatch leaked down the stairwell. It must be day time. My throat was scratchy and my mouth dry. I definitely needed some water. Spencer could bring me some, but how do I know he is the one standing guard? An image of the creepy guards emerged in my thoughts. I had a feeling if they were in charge I would know.

I got up the courage to swing myself into a sitting position and let my bare feet touch the cold floor of the boat. I sighed. Mission Impossible, here I come, I thought sarcastically. I got up and left the dirty cot to inch towards the stairs. I crawled up the stairs, breathing shallowly, and listened for any noise or movement. So far so good. I was getting pretty good at this sneaking thing. I almost wanted to laugh at how scared I was to climb out my bedroom window, but the thought of home quickly vanished any humor I had. You'll be there soon enough. Just stay strong. I told myself. 

The strands of light peeking through the hatch door danced across my face. I tried to peek in-between the boards, but I couldn't see anything. There were no shadows blocking the light, at least that I could see. Before I could talk myself out of it, I knocked on the hatch three times. I held my breath. Please be Spencer. Please be Spencer. I started to sweat and a feeling of panic arose in my chest. It was silent. Where is he?! I got scared for a moment. Calm yourself, Veera, it's probably nothing. I tried to tell myself this but the bad feeling just wouldn't go away. Just then I heard footsteps and  panicked voices. I sprinted back down the stairs and threw myself onto the cot. I sat with my back pressed against the wall.

My heart had to be beating a million times a minute. Sweat was trickling down my lips. What the heck is going on!? I kept thinking to myself. I heard the latch open and light flooded the stairwell. The stairs creaked eerily; I held my breath in anticipation. I knew it was him, it had to be. If it wasn't him then it was someone who was with him. If he meant anything that he said to me last night then he wouldn't let my master or any of my master's guards near me. Alexander,  I corrected myself. 

Alexander appeard. No. The air left my lungs in defeat. What little part of my heart I had left shattered and fell into the pit of my stomach. I was never going to get away from this. He approached the cot and knelt down to my level. I didn't dare look at him. He leaned in closer and my body tensed. Just then he grabbed my throat and held me against the wall. I tried to scream, but nothing would come out aside from a dry croak. Tears sprang to my eyes and my face swelled up with blood. I could feel the pressure of the blood pulsing against my skin, dying to break free. My eyes felt like they were bulging out of my skull. I was on the brink of passing out when I was suddenly let go. I collapsed onto the cot, face first, gasping for air. "Aggghhh!" I heard my master yell.

I tried to clear my blurry vision by wiping the tears away. I was still coughing and trying to catch my breath. I looked up to see Spencer beating my master over the head with a chair. My master, Alexander, fell to the ground and Spencer rolled him over onto his back. Spencer placed his foot on top his neck and slowly began to shift his weight, pressing down on his neck. Alexander began to sputter. Spit fell back on to his face as he tried to yell and gasp for air. It came out as a gurgled groan, at best.

"Spencer!" I yelled. "You're killing him. Stop!" I couldn't believe the words that just left my lips. After all this sick monster has done to me the least Spencer could do was kill him. He deserved it. That's not up to you to decide. You are not a killer. You are not him. These thoughts sped through my mind and I tried to grasp my voice to try and explain this to Spencer.

"He hurt you, Veera. Not only has this sick low-life touched you, but he just tried to kill you. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end his miserable life." He panted. I could see the anger in his eyes. I was going to tell him that he wasn't a killer, but in that moment I feared he might be. 

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