ღ𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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I rose up out of the bed I was in. Taking a quick examination, it was a hospital bed. I couldn't help, but to wonder how I got here. To my right was a mutter of disbelief. I looked over to see some strange woman with pink hair. I jumped. She looked just as displeased to see me as I was of her. Then I looked down. I was see through.

"Hey!" I jumped again, "What's this? Am I dead? Are you a grim reaper or something?"

She nodded, "Something like that. Somehow you've managed to pull a Jung-Woong."

"What's that?" I asked.

She inched closer, "You're half and half. Maybe you'll follow the same fate, too."

"Same fate?" I questioned in a panic, "Am I going to hell?"

"If you jumped last night," she said vaguely, "Let's go."

"Go?" I questioned, "Go where?"


I was sat in a tan room that was mostly wooden material. There was a beautiful city view with a blue sky. The woman was sitting across from me with her arms and legs crossed. I couldn't really tell what she was feeling towards me other than shock. We were waiting on the Jade Emperor. Never knew the guy existed.

My hands stayed clasped together as I looked around awkwardly. It was like being in an office waiting room or a principal's office. I couldn't help, but to wonder if this were real or a dream. If it was real, pinching myself would be embarrassing. Especially since I was being watched by someone with pink hair.

Suddenly, I had the urge to sneeze. Ryeon looked out the window. I gasped mid-sneeze and then boom. Somehow I appeared in the huge white and gold entrance from before. I was on the floor. There were a few people in suits looking right at me. One particular man caught my eye. He had a soft complexion with a cold stare. I couldn't help, but to stare.

Just then Ryeon appeared in front of me. She didn't say anything, but helped me up. I broke my gaze from the man and started dusting myself off. Ryeon took a deep breath before grabbing my hand. I glanced over at the man who had his focus on two women speaking to him. He didn't shift his focus at all. We then vanished.

There was a woman who had just entered the room as we did. She was wearing a white dress that had uprisen shoulders. It reminded me of those 80s futuristic looks. She looked like she was an important person. I quickly bowed to her as she came in between us. The woman with pink hair had her arms crossed once more.

"She came with a problem," she said.

"A problem?" the woman in white asked.

"She just sneezed and somehow ended up in another place," Ryeon said, "I've never seen anything like it."

The woman in white nodded and looked at me, "Well, welcome to Jumadeung. Though you're not supposed to be here for another 20 years, we'll be able to make an extension."

With those words, she walked over to the simplistic desk and sat behind it. Ryeon then left the room.  I walked towards the middle with my hands holding each other. I felt nervous since I didn't understand what exactly Jumadeung was or how I was here. The woman was writing something down.

"Here's the situation: You're not dead nor alive. This case has only happened once before. Taking a look at your recent life, it seems you have it quite well aside from the normal negative most idols receive," she said, "You can choose to be fully conscious while in your coma for the next two and a half years or you can work in Jumadeung for the next 6-7 months and wake up at the end of your term."

"What if I don't want to live, ma'am?" I asked.

"That's not a choice, Deiji," she said, "If you choose to work at Jumadeung, you'll have the benefit of being more successful. Even much more if you choose to be a solo artist eventually."

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