chapter 4: Shoyo, I love you. ♡

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A/N: ohayooo!!! Dear readers I've seen that nobody rlly cares abt my books so that why i fucking lost all care into writting them daily! So enjoy an update after god knows how long!

There once was a wise man who told me to mark his words as one day in my life i shall be needing to remember them, i never believed him then but now i completely understand why he said what he said, there comes a time in life where we all regret not listening to those that always have wanted the best for us, in this case it was my uncle who, when i was just a little itsy bitsy Y/n pulled me to the side and whispered to me something that will now haunt me forever

'My dear niece, please mark my words, there will be a day where your little heart shall skip a beat, i don't know when, i don't know where, i don't know who and don't know how, but someday, sometime, somewhere and someone, will come straight out of the darkness of your sweet heart and bring in joy and light to your dear eyes, you may call me an old hag and call me an idiot, but believe your dear ol' pal when he says that all boys know exactly the right moment to come and change a girls life forever, whether its for the better or for the thats for the girl to find out later on, but whats known is that no matter when or how or like i said who...someone will come and change you, for good or bad that is for you to decide and find, but know that this world is a cruel place when the worst of things happen to her toughest soldiers... '

His words we're quite weird and he was saying them in the weirdest of order but i now-a-days understand the message behind them...he was talking about Shoyo...he doesn't know him but i guess that "The Someone" is definetly him...has to be...must be...Will be...I can't imagine a life without Shoyo...i life without him is like a plant without water...dead...i must protect him, i must not let anyone take him from me....

He will be ..... mine....
...He doesn't have a choice...

(Decided to make this story interesting by turning our little Y/n into a yandere, there won't be much murder, but it is advised that if you dont really like the idea of blood, murder, kidnapping and other should probably not read the following chapters.)

"SUGAWARA CHAN! What a great surprise to join us to practice, we're happy to have you here!" Daichi was overjoyed to see me in the Gym, i know his every date and schedule of practice, classes, breaks, sleep etc.... and thanks to Koshi, i have permission to come watch training at any time. "Happy ya'll can have me! I'm glad to be here and support and cheer ya'll on! I see we got new first years! Welcome!" The girl was pointing at the 4 new boys that have joined the team and was smiling ..."Welcome Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi! Correct?" All 4 of the boys nodded and suddenly it all got great...Tanaka was already going to hug her but she just slapped him...of course Koshi was friendly and greeted her with a very warm welcome back and Daichi did so too....but beside her was another girl....Yachi....shes new here, not too much of a love rival but i do notice shes getting a tad to close to my dear Shoyo....i should eliminate her...but how....?

Hinata hugged her which to my surprise she was happy to hug back and he seemed to enjoy the hug too......made me sick to my stomach...I should hug him and make him happy! ME ME AND ONLY ME!! I was clenching my fist and teeth when Koshi saw me and calmed me down, now he was for sure i was totally head over heels for Shoyo so he kinda chuckled to himself before softly patting my head and telling me to sit wherever i wanted...they were about to start.
"NICE SERVE!!" "NICE RECIEVE!!" "GOOD ONE SHOYO!!" "NICE SET KAGEYAMA!!" The gym was filled with noises, whether grunts or growls or encouraging and motivational quotes, everything was there and ready to just bring happiness to everyone. I love when i watch them practice, now im learning volleyball myself, kinda hard considering my small height but not that bad as I've envisioned after the accident, i was actually really good at it, seeing Shoyo struggle with his quick with Kageyama i asked if i could help out and explained to Kageyama how to do his set, i jumped as high as i could right as Kageyama set the ball and spiked perfectly giving the defense of the opponents no chance to stop the ball from reaching their court, all of them we're absolutely stunned and impressed, Koshi was scared and came to catch me when i land but in rest it was so cute how all of them were shocked with how great that performance was.

Try harder Shoyo, good or not, ill still love you dear....youre mine...and im yours forever.....

Shoyo.....I love you.....

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