chapter 6: a girl that just wants love...

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  A/N: hello, my dear readers we're here once again with a new update. Ill soon be starting a period comfort stories for my ladies out there, i feel you all with every day that passes. 



   "Hello, Sawamura-san..." you had casually walked up to the boy, captain of the team, keeping a knife in the pocket of your skirt, just in case ;). You had found out about his secret relationship with you dear brother, Koshi, and didn't really like that idea..."ah! Sugawara-Chan! What a nice surprise you decided to join us today, we we're just about to get started with practice! The boys are in the locker room! Feel free to stay and watch!" Daichi seemed really cheerful and happy, he of course tried to impress you as much as he could so that you don't start disliking him and hate it....
     You obviously decided to start taking things to your advantage, Daichi was clearly going to do anything in order to make sure you're happy and that you don't dislike you've recently been asking more and more for certain favors from the boy...and that's how you we're able to collect and create a little shrine with all the things that Shoyo touched or used, but you've recently found out, you could happen to have a new rival to Shoyo's heart....Akira, a girl from the first year class 1-3 has lately been eyeing your man, and is always a mess when it comes to trying to talk to him, makes you sick to the gut...guess you're going to have to find the most unsuspecting way to get rid of her for your dear crush....but what could that be....

  Akira Ashimoto: first year, class 1-3
- crush: Shoyo Hinata.
-club: literature.
-known level of self-defense: completely incapable.

Akira is a quiet, shy girl, who would spend all day in the library if she could. She is a girl which is really good in her studies, which makes the fact that she fell in love with Shoyo knowing how bad he is in absolutely every subject.

    Her father is Jigon Ashimoto, a very well known writer, which went famous after his novel, "Love without boundaries" made it very far in the writing industry.

A good way to eliminate her would be expulsion, but due to her very good grades and no record with being a troublemaker, making it believable is a must. Or....her own passion could "accidentally" get rid of her~

   Filling up on information about the students is easy when you have Daichi to do most of the work for you, he didn't waste a single second to complete the task you had assigned him, and he even said he'd love to be your parter in crime if he must. He knows a lot about most of the people, so he is a good ally to keep by your side in any case, so giving him a chance is a yes from the start of this...but the problem about getting him into this, is risking getting him into big troubles as well... but he said he doesn't care about this, so you began your plan.
     Creating it was simple, you decided to make her death seem an accident, you purposely loosened up the screws holding the library bookshelf from falling onto the people trying to take a book, once the screws were loosened up enough, all it took was one pull of a book, Akira was squished completely under the weight of the heavy bookshelf that fell over her, you found such satisfaction into hearing the crunch of her bones breaking, it brought you happiness~
      Daichi brought the trash bags, and the cleaning tools he stole from the janitors closet and the cleaning up started, you covered the body in thick trash and other things to cover up the body so nobody suspects what could be inside of it. Daichi mopped the blood that spilled on the floor and made sure it was all gone before going to check if the hallway was free so you could run the body towards the incinerator at the back of the school. When the way was cleared you made a run for it, successfully getting past the guard teachers, guards, and janitors.... once the body was successfully in, you turned the incinerator on and laughed evily to try to get back some of the lost sanity in the process.
    Daichi made sure everything was intact as it was before the crime, it looked perfect. It was great you had such a skilled helper to help you with your "dirty work" that you've been doing lately for the one and only that you would ever try to love. Shoyo will never know, Shoyo must never know. How would he love you then...?   How would you show your face to him again after you'd be caught with murder? We never know....

     Shoyo, my sweet boy, you will be mine....and when that happens....i will never, never let you go....

  The next day came by fast, the boys weren't in practice, they we're forbidden from using the gym for 3 days because of a stupid fight that Kageyama and Shoyo had, how adorable, like usual these two fight, of course you couldn't kill Kageyama..... but, you could always ....kidnap him..... no no, it will be suspicious. Shoyo walked up to you with a sad face, asking if you knew where Akira is, she promised to tutor him in english and he couldn't find her anywhere. "Oh don't worry Shoyo! I can tutor you instead, she quit she won't be back ever again..." you faked being sad and hugged him softly, making it seem like you really were sad for the disappearance of the shy little bookworm .

    As if i could just care about that naive homewrecker, she was trying to steal you from...i did just what i had to do, and got rid of the obstacle between me and your heart. Shoyo...when will you see how much i love you, when will you notice it...?

                   .... Soon enough.....i promise....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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