The Duck

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Let me tell you that my friend and I were being idiots in class and this happened.))

A duck walked up to the lemonade stand and said to the man running the stand,

"Hey!" //bum bum bum// "Got any grapes?"

The stand owner stared at the duck in fear. His nightmares had come true. The Ducks were taking over. "A t-talking duck-?" He asked, gripping one of the lemonade cups a bit too hard as it exploded in his hand. The duck glared at the boy. "I'll ask again... Got any grapes?" The boy shook his head furiously. "Only lemonade! Sorry!" He smiled falsely. The duck jumped up onto the table, disturbing the cups. The young man gave a scream as the duck attacked him. The duck eventually left the screaming boy as if nothing ever happened.

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