Another one •v•

24 1 3

Here's another things about me because I can.


1. I am on the road right now. Literally, I'm in a car.

2. I look like, and act, like Armin. Hence the nickname Princess Armin.

3. I always think of what to do in roleplays before I sleep.

4. 3 just seems normal to me, oddly.

5. I am just obsessed with the Armizuki rp Di-ver-gent and I have.

6. No seriously its like the only thing I think of before I fall asleep.

7. Oh look my favorite number.

8. I think I have some mental issues.

9. I totally acted like Maud Pie today, geeking out over rocks.

10. I know how to do the AoT run. (Shoulders and head forward, arms out)

11. I'm an only child.

12. Because of 11 I am used to being lonely.

13. I am still slightly mad at my parents for classifying my hair color as brown in my passport.

14. I'm going on a Disney cruise next year.

15. I wanna go home right now and not stop at Wegmans.

16. I'm really hungry.

17. I don't stress eat, I stress not-eat.

18. I have two cats, Honey and Coco.

19. Coco's a fattie.

20. Honey is skinny.

21. Whenever I pass a horse I'll always yell "OH LOOK ITS JEAN" and then laugh uncontrollably.

22. I have is really snuggly sweater that I want to cuddle with my boyfriend in.

23. I actually don't have a favorite color.

24. I am pretty much like a mixture of Armin, Jeff the Killer, and Pinkie Pie.

25. This is the end of the thing.


Now you pretty much know me.

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