Girls night in

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Iris POV
So it's Official, now everyone knows that Barry and I are engaged and if I'm completely honest with myself I'm so relieved that everyone knows. it makes life so much easier. I begin to wonder what to do with our evening as watching films is great at times but all night is a bit excessive. so I turn to Caitlin to ask what she wants to do for the night but as I turn to her I realise that she doesn't want to talk about anything else except the engagement, " do you wanna know how it happened" I ask with a smile, "hell yeah" she shouts, causing a short giggling procession to march out of my throat. and so we begin. " Or do you want to hear the story from the day Barry and I first met." she looks at me like I'm crazy and settles down for the whole story. "It was the first day of school" I begin and instantly have a flash back of the first day with me crouched down under the table, for fear of begin the odd one out, Barry finding me and us becoming friends. while I'm talking i watch Caitlin as she soaks up every inch of our story. i smile and let a few tears slip as I remember the proms, the laughter, the tears and the rare fights that always took a great toll on the both of us.................... By the time I finished the story. my cheeks are soaked. and Caitlin's crying too. the reason behind this is that I've just finished explaining about Barry's ex girlfriend Becky Cooper, the one who cheated on him and then broke his heart while locking me in the upstairs toilet so I couldn't yell at her or comfort Barry.
I walked into the house to see Becky sitting on the sofa, typing on her phone "please try to be nice to her,for me" Barry's voice rang through my head. oh how much I loved that voice and how jealous I was that she t

Yea I

got to kiss him whenever she wanted to.
But keeping my promise to Barry I cleared my throat and greeted her in the nicest voice I could muster. She didn't even look up as she said that the upstairs toilet was blocked." Yeah probalaby because your fat arse used it" I mutter and head upstairs to check it. as I enter the bathroom o notice that nothing is out of place and second guess myself, then I hear the door slam, spinning round I hear the faint sound to the lock clicking shut. crap I say knowing that Becky had locked me in. All in the same moment the front door opens and Barry's sweet voice and warmth fills the house. "hello" he yells
Becky being the horrible devil she is skips downstairs and greets him with a "sweet" smile. they settle down and start talking about how things are going......
Meanwhile I'm upstairs trying to wrestle the lock open so I can get out and get downstairs....... The I hear him scream "get out"
About 10 minutes after the door slams I manage to undo the lock and head down stairs however the horrific sight that met my eyes made me want to cry. Barry was sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands crying. so naturally I walked quietly up to him and put my arm around his shoulders for comfort, he really liked Becky, however when he told me that she told him that she had cheated on him. I was ready to scream
End of flashback ---------------------

By the time I was finished the boys all stumbled through the door. now when I say that you'd think they were drunk but no, they were anything but drunk. in fact they came home and Barry kisses me so tenderly that I'd have been happy to stay in that moment forever.

1 hour later
Everyone was so tired that we all went to bed only minutes after the boys toppled inside the house, mad with laughter.
But I can't sleep. I've been lying awake since we got into bed. The problem is that while Barry was kidnapped I hadn't slept at all so suddenly just wanting to go back to sleep, lets just say it was impossible.
I toss and turn until about 2:30 when Barry's wakes up and asks me what's wrong. "I............" 'BANG'

Barry's POV
After stumbling into the house, no drunk but laughing so hard that my sides hurt. we all managed to stumble up to bed. but the moment I laid down I knew something wasn't right with Iris. i pretended not to notice until about 2:30 in the morning when I couldn't take her tossing and turning anymore. but just as I sat up to get and explanation ' BANG'
The group ( joe, Caitlin, Cisco, Eddie, dr.wells)
They all shoot up and awake.
Cliffhanger !!!

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