Rock and roll

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Iris POV
Barry placed me in my dads arms and sped back into the building I was to much in shock to react, that was until I saw him flash out of the building and in the direction of star labs, I began to worry, what could have been in there that would make him run like that and who on this earth was that guy. He looked all to familiar to be honest.
" iris lets go and check if he's alright" my dad whispers in my ear. I nod numbly and we get into the car and go to the lab......... At the lab...................

We walking in to see Barry sitting in a chair starting at his now filthy red suit. Cisco walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder, Barry shuddered and flinched away. He got up and looked at the team, before walking straight into my dads arms for a hug. ' okay' I thought to myself, 'now that's not normal'
Barry's PoV
I was in shock this was the second time in around 3 months that an old school mate has showed up in my life with harmful intentions. I knew that I needed to tell my team what was going on but I couldn't bear to see them all worried again, not after what has recently happened. I heard them team walk in , and I felt Cisco walk over to my and place a gentle brotherly hand on my shoulder but I didn't want it, what I wanted was a hug from my dad. So that's what I got up to do and with out further thought I hugged joe and just prayed that he wouldn't pull away and question the situation, I know I'm a terrible liar and my dad questioning me would only make the situation and my state worse. Joe began rubbing my back and trying to sooth my agitation, and I hate to say it but it worked. Until Iris' curiosity got the better of her and she asked the question that I knew was coming but almost dreaded. Her soft lips parted and her angelic voice cut through the air softly as she asked " Barry what happened in there?"
Although I didn't want to I knew I had to explain the situation so I took a deep breath and prepared to begin when i was saved from the despair of telling my family that we were in trouble yet again by none other that Oliver Queen and the Arrow team waking through the vortex door and greeting us with happy smiles and friendly handshakes and hugs........ So long difficult talk... For now...

Sorry that this took so long I've had a crazy few months at school and with homework
Hope you like this one
Another will be coming soon
FishFace1211 xxxxxx.

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