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CHAPTER 1 : Mortal Wishes

Introduction of Flora :

Flora is a Highly- Respected Duchess. Stories told that she was once a Mortal, A noble who married a Duke. The Couple got ambushed one day while riding a carriage to meet the king, The Husband Died when he tried to Protect his wife, Flora almost died also, But the second she lost her breath, Was the moment when a flash of Bright light was summoned from her hands, Her scars disappeared and she later discovered that she can control vines and Flowers around her, It was like the Gods gave her another chance to live her life. She used that moment to strangle the Men and dropped them to the ground, Clearly dead. Rescuers came and saw her crying while holding her dear Husband's Corpse. Years after that, Flora learned that she is an Immortal, Unable to grow Older. The Gods gifted her Immortality, Making her an Angel without wings. She Became the messenger for the mortals. When the Heavens send a Prophecy, She was the one who was needed by the Church. She doesn't need to be notified mainly because when The Celestials do send a Prophecy, It will end up on the shrine and She'll feel its power when It comes to the mortal realm.

Time passed by after that, She grew Wiser, Smarter, and Unhappy. It was because whenever she makes friends, She always Outlives them, She also missed her dear husband. She was Lonely, She'll end up crying to sleep knowing that she's always alone, flora then Started to question if her Gift Is a curse or a Blessing.

That's when Mira came along, Flora saved her and took her in as her little Assistant then became attached to the little girl after Three years, Seeing her as her own then Adopted her as her step daughter when Mira accidentally called her mom. Flora then Discovered that Mira was also Immortal, But did not question it.






(3rd person POV)

Cloud (Mira's Horse) dashed through the woods as Mira held tight to the reins. Following a path that leads to a Hill, Arrived to see a friend in the middle of the night. She spotted her dear friend and got off her ride.

(Cloud doesn't go anywhere without Mira, So its fine for her to Let him walk around without being tied, and she also trusted him to Stay nearby which he does apparently..)

"Leilani, Sorry I'm late." "oh don't worry, You are Just in time to see the shooting stars!" seeing a smile on the Sweet Mage made Mira glad that she Ran off away from home, From Flora to be specific. Just to see 'Shooting stars' with a friend. Its not like she's going to know right?

"..Any moment now.."



"Leilani, I don't think-"


Mira then Moved her head above just to see Multiple shooting stars Moving through the night sky. "Make a wish Mira!" Leilani said with sparkles in her eyes, "I don't know if.. Wishing from an outer space rock can do such a thing Leilani.." Mira sheepishly Said to Leilani, Who is now currently already wishing with eyes closed.

 she only sighed as she remembered the childhood tales. it is written that every year, When shooting stars come, it is a time for the Deity of wishes to Collect and Make the Dreams of mortals come true, Although no one proved this to be true so Mira doesn't know why her dear friend believes in this story. But she would try to see what would happen. She had certain Dreams of a woman with pearls and she wondered who it was, there are also parts of her dream where she has her own Seashell Accessory. Mira already knew that she wasn't flora's real daughter and she accepted that. Right now, She only curious of her past. 

"If the tales are really true, then heavens hear my plea.. I wish to know who I was and remember everything."




To Be Continued...

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