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CHAPTER 4  - Friends

(CURRENT LOCATION : Central town, Northern Bookshop)
3rd Person POV :
"Stay here Alvar. Keep an eye on Cloud for me." Mira told him as she got down from her ride and saw a displeased look on The Man's face. He was ordered to Protect HER, Not the HORSES...

While walking away, Mira only showed a smile. 'That's one way to get rid of him.' She thought as she hummed to herself, Opening the doors of The store and walked inside, Seeing Leilani already there. 'Its a shame that the peaceful Library had to close for three days... But atleast we get to buy new books on release!' She thought again as she poked on Lielani's shoulder, Surprising her. "What's that?" She questioned as Leilani closed the book and Shoved it into her face while holding it. "A book filled with stories of our gods!" She said brightly.

Mira only smiled knowing that Her friend is pretty much interested in these type of things, Mira on the other hand..

"the God's you read are not even real though.."

"Oh come on, The world was formed because of thier actions! Don't drag me away from my passion of reading the history!"

"I'm not but.. Alright."

Mira sighed as she looked around and found a book of her liking. "Little Miss Traitor" was the title. Leilani can't be seen and Mira thought that Her dear friend found more books to collect. "Hey Miraaa" of course She was wrong, Leilani was just in the next 3 Bookshelves away from here, So she guessed that her dear friend Sprinted on her way back.

"Look what I found!" Mira happily said as she Shoved the book she held on Mira's Face. She took a step back as she reads the cover. "Eh? 'Great Dragons from the Lusteria Era'? What's that??" She mentions and saw Leilani stepping back with a Shocked expression. "..Its the timeline when The Lords from the heavens are Known and is written in many of our histories-... Forget it, Buy it and Read it already." Leilani Huffed and Gave the book directly to Mira, Who only sighed and Took it from her hands. It's not a fiction novel she always reads, But it wouldn't hurt to try and read it, right?

She let's out a grunt as she looked around the bookshelves looking for Leilani, She always disappear and it annoys the young Lady. only see her dear friend paying on the counter. Mira sighed again as she Went there to pay for her two books. The owner seems to be an old lady and she finished paying. The woman only smiled at her and Mira smiled back, there were many interesting books, But somehow they don't fit in Mira's taste. So now she's starting to question if buying the novel 'Little Miss Traitor' was worth it. While walking in the streets of town, Mira was busy with her own thoughts and forgot to listen to Lielani cheerfully talking about her new books. "I couldn't wait to stuff these Precious things to my shelves!"

She grinned and mira only smiled. Leilani is like a little sunshine that Mira adores, when they First met, Mira actually thought Leilani hated her. But turns out it was just her face expression that says "Get away from me." And she only giggled at the memory. Lielani continued to talk and Mira became interested and listened to her "Information according to history and Books", so she thought it would be fair if she'd drop a few comments here and there. 

(Timeskip. The two girls dragged Alvar with them on a Coffee shop, laughing and giggling as the man only sat at the background drinking his Glass of coffee. and they spend thier time at The mansion of House Reseda. Mira then Invited Leilani for dinner as they Waste thier Time Talking about the books.

LOCATION AND TIMESKIP : After dinner, Lady Mira's Bedroom Balcony.

"Hold on a moment, So your saying that callahan, the soul collector tried to court the heavenly Lord Elias?"

"Correct.. but according to the scriptures. The Lords Reply was said that He only saw her as a close ally."


"...He only saw her as a Friend so yes."

"..So what happened next?"

"It was said that callahan tried to get his attention by Ignoring him and being salty around him. But It didn't work mainly because Elias isn't interested in her."

"Oh wow.. Now I need you to lend me the books."

"I knew it, I'm still surprised that you haven't heard of these in your childhood.."

"I've heard of them, But was not Interested."

"I stand corrected."

What mira did was close to a lie. Mainly because She doesn't want to hurt her dear friend's feelings so she pretended to like what Lani reads. But it seems that She's closely getting interested in whatever Leilaini is Interested of. Then Mira looked at the Hanging clock in the bedroom. Leilani then sighed. "Its getting late, I need to be on my way. I still have a class to teach to, tomorrow so.. I'll see you next time My friend."

She hugged Mira and the young Lady did so too. Leilani was then led to the outside of the gates. She keeps on claiming that she can walk back to her home worridly, as Mira keeps on Insisiting by taking her back to the village on horseback. But the discussion was ended and they settled the argument. Leilani was then on her way walking as she waved goodbye to her friend. Mira smiled and yelled a "Good night and stay safe!" As Leilani disappeared in the night. That's when Mira's smile faded away as she walked back inside. Then the gates, Doors, and windows were closed shut for the night.

The young Lady Enjoyed the time she had with Her friend, It was a pity that the day would end quickly. A sigh escaped her lips as she blew off her candle. Closing her eyes and went into a deep slumber.






To be Continued...

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