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"Come back to bed, that would be enough," Dave half-sung. "Stop quoting fucking Hamilton in situations that they vaguely make sense in..." Jack feigned annoyance, not exactly caring. "Well, I-" Dave stopped, "Sp- Jack?" Looking around, seeing only darkness. "William." Dave felt his (nonexistent) heart drop, "no...not again..." Dave backed up, trying to get away. "Hm...not happy to see me again? And here I thought you-" Dave cut Henry off, "N-no shut up! You're not r-real!"

"Don't you dare talk back to me," Henry began, smiling as he sees Dave panicking. "Fucking useless." Dave tightly closed his eyes, trying to remind himself that none of this was real. "Dave," Jack tried shaking him by this point, feeling dread, "hey." Dave soon woke back up, still visibly scared. "Hey are y-" Dave quickly went to hug him, "p-please don't leave..." Jack frowned, "when did I-? I'd never leave you (💀)." Dave didn't say anything more, just hugging him.

Dave gradually calmed more and more down, eventually telling Jack what happened, "I just hate how many times it's happened. I don't wanna keep worrying you..." Dave went quiet again. "Hey, I don't mind at all. I love you, why would I ever hold you accountable for what...he did to you?" Jack held him tighter, keeping him in the present moment. "...Thank you," Dave finally said, trying not to freak Jack out anymore. "I love you, Dave," Jack said, smiling. "I love you too..."

I was gonna write smut here, but I hated it. It was so hard (just like them) to write. Anyway I'm just gonna do something else.

"Hey Dave, can you come here?" Dave looked over at Jack. "Yeah," he said, walking over, "what do you need?" Jack smiled, "closer." Dave got closer, confused. "What-" Jack pulled Dave's collar, pulling him down to a kiss. Dave's face flushed, but he gladly kissed him back. Jack moved his hands to the sides of Dave's face, while Dave moved his to hug Jack. Jack pulled back (much to Dave's dismay), and revelled in the embarrassment painted on Dave's face.

Dave, still confused, said "wh-what was that for?"
"Hmm...just for fun," Jack responded, happy with himself, "what? Did you not like it or something?" Dave immediately shook his head, "NO- no, I just uh...didn't expect it I guess..." Jack smiled, "well, do you want more?" Dave pretended to think about it (why would he ever say no?), "yeeaaahhhh..." Jack nodded, "of course. Come here." Dave smiled, "you want me to cum he-" Jack cut him off, "shut up." He pulled Dave back in for another kiss.

I had another idea and I might as well put it here.

"Ohh myyy goddddd..." Dave was crying...and very drunk. "Dave, what happened?" Jack sighed. "Whyy're youu soo hottt?" Dave looked genuinely distraught. "Wh...what? Excuse me?" Jack finally looked at Dave. "Likkeee, youu're tooo prettyyy...iss thhatt whhatt youu sssold youurr ssooul fforr?" Jack just blinked, dumbfounded, "I-" Dave continued, inspecting Jack's face, "ohh myyyyy godd...howw're youu reaaal???" Jack lightly blushed, looking away slightly.

"Waaiitttt, I wannnaa seee youuu," Dave (drunkenly) said, pulling Jack back. Jack opened his mouth to speak, trying to go about addressing this situation. "I- you- uhh..." Dave sobbed, "I wannaa kisss youuuu..." Jack smiled, "...what about a little peck?" Dave nodded profusely. Jack sighed, leaning in to kiss Dave, much to the latter's delight. Dave smiled, even if it was for a second, he was happy. "Haahaaaa, I'mmm gladd I ttook youurr lastt nammee."

(bonus of the bonusbonus):
Dave finally woke up, head killing him. He looked to his side, seeing Jack laying next to him. "Hey Dave." Dave sighed, hugging Jack, "ughh...what did I do?" Jack smiled, "got drunk and cried because I was, and I quote, 'tooo prettyyy.'" Dave smiled, "seems like something I'd do." Jack nodded. "Hm, y'know it's true though," Dave added. "Yea- no- what?"
"How come you mock me when I crumble under physical affection, but you crumble under verbal affection?" Jack sighed, "shut up."

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