brother trouble

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Kel stared at the ceiling. He was waiting for Hero to text him back. Or call him. Or, hell, anything. Every time he'd reach out, Hero would read it, then wait 8 hours to respond. On top of that, he rarely ever responded or saw the messages either. He knew Hero was grieving. Yeah. They all were. But he had a feeling that Hero was purposely avoiding Sunny and Basil. He said he forgave them, but that was obviously untrue. He had little freak-outs in the bathroom whenever he learned he had to face them again, Kel learned this by listening through the door. The things he mumbled under his would've been better if he never tried to eavesdrop. He knew Hero was supportive, at least. He liked seeing Kel happy. He let Sunny into his house. But Kel was convinced there was definitely some hostility, along with Hero's piling schoolwork.

"You just need a break," Kel mumbled into the phone, "you just need some time to relax." He then stared idly, wondering if he should even send the voicemail or not. It's not like Hero even checks them. One day he'd be at home, then the next he'd randomly be gone without a trace. He never told Kel when he was leaving. "Okay, I get it, you don't wanna hang out." Kel ended the voicemail, throwing his phone into a pile of clothes he'd left on the floor. He let out an angry groan and hugged a pillow. He just wanted his brother back.

He heard his phone ping, and he slightly glanced at it, expecting a text from Aubrey or something. But no. Hero...Hero was calling him. He threw the pillow to the side, leaping out of his bed and snatching the phone. "Hello?" He asked eagerly. "Hi, Kel, erm, I heard the voicemail. W-what you said-- that's not it. I'm just busy. I'll make up for it, I promise." His voice cracked slightly before continuing, "I'll hang out with you guys and Aubrey's friends. I'm sure I will. Just...give me a couple hours, okay? I just have to finish this assignment."

Kel glared into the phone, highly doubting what he said was true. "Okay...I'll give you...7 hours. If you're not there by then, I'll assume you just lied. Again." There was a silence on the other end of the phone, obviously because of guilt. Kel knew he was being sort of an ass right now, but Hero NEVER kept his promises. To him, this was an empty offer. He also felt guilty for being so rude, but he'd apologize for it later. "...Love you, bro." He mumbled sincerely. "Love you too, Kel. Stay safe. I'll keep my promise this time." There was a click at the other end, Hero hung up the phone. Kel wondered if it was because he was being sort of mean. He immediately regretted it-- sure, he was mad, but he knew Hero also had feelings, and he felt bad for hurting them.

Calm down. He isn't mad at you. He just hung up the phone, you were going to do it anyways. Stop being so stupid. He didn't like the thoughts entering his head. "Ugh-- just shut up!" He used his fist to punch himself in the face, probably leaving a slight bruise that would worsen later. ", that was a bad idea." He whined, rubbing his cheek. Come on, Kel. The bad thoughts can't hurt you if you just don't think them. Clear mind. Clear mind. He sighed and got up from his bed to go outside. Maybe that would clear his head. Besides, he had to meet with Aubrey's gang, didn't he?

Kel stumbled out the door, almost leaving the house barefoot before remembering to go put his shoes on (thanks to his mother's yelling.) He was in a bad mood. He just wanted to see Sunny and his friends right now. He didn't need the shit his mom was giving him, he didn't need his brother's lame excuses. So, before leaving, he did something he thought he'd never do in his life.

As his mom was screaming, he flipped her off.
It was probably one of the worst things he'd ever done. But right now, he just didn't care.
He just needed to see his friends.

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