𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬

343 8 1

Takes place after Season 1
Why is this chapter so long?

Enid POV:
"Honestly Enid you can do anything right! All your brothers can wolf out and you can't! They're all barely older than you Enid!" Mom was yelling at me, again. She was yelling for around an hour now. This is the third time this week and it doesn't get any easier.

"Are you even listening to me Enid? Just go to your room! And no food tonight!" I just ran off to my room and locked the door. I learned quite a long time ago that it would be best if I didn't fight back, so I just sat on my bed quietly. If she heard me crying she would probably kick down my door and shut me up.

A few minutes passed before I heard some muffled talking from outside. Shuffling over to the door, I pressed my ear against it to try and listen. "I stand this child anymore! She only embarrasses me when we go to reunions, she can't even shift! All she is is a disappointment!"

Covering my mouth to suppress my cries I got up to get in bed before I heard her say one last thing. "I'm giving her one last chance. We're going to send her off to Nevermore and if she doesn't shift...I'm kicking her out."

That was a year ago...actually it was exactly a year ago. Today is the 'anniversary' of finding out my parents actually don't love me. I always had an idea they didn't but that night actually confirmed it. I'm always the emotional one but today I just didn't feel like crying, I just felt angry. Not visibly but silently. I did everything normally for the morning without talking, now everyone in our friend group sat in the quad talking about whatever, I wasn't listening though.

(Lil a/n- the friend group is Wednesday, Enid, Bianca, Xavier, Ajax, Yoko, Eugene, and The Siren twins. Basically, everyone that interacted with Wednesday and Enid in Season 1.)

After the whole Hyde situation I did wolf out but my parents stopped reaching out so they have no idea. What makes it worse is that I have no contact with them so until they try to reach out I'll stay the weak one, the one child that wasn't a real werewolf, the disappointment-

"-id! Enid!" Yoko was waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh, um, sorry. I spaced out." I apologized as I came back to earth. My voice sounded a bit hoarse from not talking all morning. "Yeah, we can tell. Are you ok though? Other than you not responding to us calling your name a thousand times, you one, haven't talked all day and two, you look and sound depressed." Bianca said what everyone probably wanted to as everyone agreed with her immediately after.

"Just some parent problems" Lying didn't come to me at the moment so I just told the truth and hoped they would drop it but of course, they weren't satisfied so Ajax cut in this time. "Didn't you say they stopped reaching out to you like a few months ago?" "Yeah, that's the problem." I paused for a second when everyone was staring at me. "I'm just going to go back to my room."

I excused myself from the table and went upstairs. Sitting on my bed I talked with Thing. The thing was probably the only person? appendage? that I could tell all my feelings to and it was always nice to get things off my chest.

Wednesday POV:

After Enid left the whole table started discussing why they thought she was acting the way she was.

"Maybe she just misses her parents." -Bianca

"Doubt it, she hates her parents though." -Yoko

"Fair." -Bianca

"So what's going on?" -Ajax

You could see them thinking before Yoko turned to me.

"I vote we send Wednesday to check on her."

"I second that." -Xavier

"I'm questioning your reasoning here," I responded to everyone turning to me.

Yoko got up and stood behind me placing her hands on my shoulders. "Well you see Wednesday, after the whole Hyde problem, Enid is most fond of you. Annnd she probably won't let us in the dorm room that you have the key to. Also, she can't kick you out of your dorm like she can with all of us. I think that's enough for you to go do it right?" "Yoko makes some pretty good points there Wednesday." Bianca backed Yoko up.

"I despise that you have good reasoning." Bianca and Xavier gave me thumbs ups and everyone else either smiled or continued doing whatever. "But Tanaka" "Yeah?" "Hands off or you won't have them anymore." With that Yoko's hands flew off my shoulders and I made my way upstairs to speak with Enid.

I made my way to the door and I heard Enid talking to Thing. "I know, I know Thing. I'll tell her soon-" Enid cut herself off when she heard me open the door. "Hey, Wednesday." "Hello, Sinclair. I believe we need to discuss something." Enid just stared at me with a confused look. "Come on Enid." I gestured outside as I climbed through the window.

Enid and I had somehow decided on the decor for the balcony with basic gray 'furniture', pink and blue hanging decorations, and fairy lights.

(I don't think the balcony has a roof so let's just pretend because it makes sense.)

Enid followed me through the window and I patted the space next to me on a mat we had put down. "Look Enid, I don't normally talk about 'feelings' or 'problems' with other people but you have some weird effect that is making me do this." She nodded at me before I continued. "So Sinclair, what's been happening today? As much as I hate to admit it, I rather see you irritatingly happy than sulking."

"Oooo is the Wednesday Addams going soft on me?" She annoyingly teased. "Don't try to change the topic, Sinclair." She looked hesitant for a second which surprisingly made me question if I was pushing too far or not. But then she did answer the question.

"It's just some stupid family stuff, no need to worry."

"Enid, you are very much worrying everyone with the sudden change of character."


"No need to apologize for something out of your control. I'm just telling you that if it was just a stupid problem it wouldn't be bothering you that much."

"It's really all fine Wends."

"Ok then. But I just want you to know you can always talk to someone. I'm not the best person to talk to but you have everyone else that I'm sure will be more than ok with it." I got up to leave but Enid pulled me back down.

"Wednesday, you're probably the person I trust most right now. I still have to share a room with you so telling you now will help in the future." I gestured for her to continue. She said and started explaining.

"Well, I don't have the best parents right and as I told you and showed you on parents' weekend, they don't care for me much. Mom always yelled and called me a disappointment while my dad did nothing to stop her."

She once again hesitated but continued. "Exactly a year ago today is when my parents decided to ship me off to Nevermore. Every week they would send letters asking if I had wolfed out yet and I guess after I said no one too many times they stopped reaching out and I have no way to contact them. They don't know about me wolfing out so until then I'll just be the disappointment of the family."

"Your parents sound worse than mine, and that says something."

"Yeah my parents suck but I'm not going to cry about it. Yes, it does make me a bit mad but getting it off my chest was nice."

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure if you start to feel sad, you can talk with anyone else to have some comfort."

Enid and I sat in peaceful silence for a bit, surprisingly enjoying each other's company.

"But Wends-"

"Don't call me that."

"Fine but are we going to talk about how you went soft there?"

"I didn't." I glared at her. "Tell anyone about what happened here Sinclair and I'll have your head."

"How sweet of Wednesday to listen to my problems."


Enid quickly stood up and ran back inside rushing to the door.

"Oh, how surprised Yoko would be when she hears THE Wednesday Addams listens to me complain."

I got up and chased her down the stairs to the quad.

"Don't you fucking dare!"

An embarrassing day for me indeed but at least I got Enid feeling better...doesn't mean I make empty threats though.

♥ 𝓦𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 ♥Where stories live. Discover now